[국내논문]사상체질진단(四象體質診斷)의 객관화(客觀化)에 관한 연구(硏究)(기존(旣存) 설문지(說問紙)의 분석(分析)을 중심(中心)으로) The Study in Objectification of the diagnosis of Sasang Constitution(According to Analysis of the Past Questionnaires)원문보기
사상체질진단(四象體質診斷)에 있어 임상적(臨床的)으로 가장 많이 활용(活用)되며 또한 객관성(客觀性)이 인정(認定)되고 있는 방법(方法)으로는 설문지(設問紙)를 이용하는 방법(方法)이 있으며 그 중 대표적으로 사상변증내용(四象辨證內容) 설문조사지(設問調査紙)(I)과 사상체질분류조사지(四象體質分類調査紙)(QSCC II)가 있으나, 그 체질판정(體質判定)에 있어 각기 한쪽 체질(體質)로 치우치는 경향성(傾向性)을 보이므로 인(因)하여 임상가(臨床家)에서는 그 나름대로의 가치(價値)를 지니면서도 크게 일반화(一般化)되지 못하는 것이 현실(現實)이다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 사상체질진단(四象體質診斷)의 객관화(客觀化)를 위한 설문지(設問紙)의 연구(硏究)로써 동의대학교(東義大學校) 한의과대학(韓醫科大學) 부속한방병원(附屬韓方病院)에 내원(來院)한 자(者) 692명(名)(종합건강진단센터 대상자(對象者) 575명(名)과 환자(患者) 117명(名) 중 설문지(設問紙)(I)과 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 설문조사(設問調査) 결과(結果)와 사상체질전공의(四象體質專攻醫)의 체질판별(體質判別) 결과(結果)가 모두 치(致)하는 250명(名) 중(中)에서 설문지(設問紙) 내용(內容)이 비교적(比較的) 충실(充實)한 200명(名)을 대상(對象)으로 설문조사(設問調査) 내용(內容)을 통계분석(統計分析)하고 이를 토대(土臺)로 새로운 설문(設問)의 구성(構成)을 시도(試圖)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻게 되었다. 1. 설문지(設問紙)(I), 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 총(總) 192문항(問項)((설문지(設問紙)(I) 71문항(問項), 설문지(設問紙)(II) 121문항(問項))중에서 유의성(有意性)을 가지는 문항(問項)(P값이 최소(最小) 0.04 이상(以下))은 84문항(問項)(설문지(設問紙)(I)이 39문항(問項), 설문지(設問紙)(II)가 45문항(問項))이었다. 이중에서 서로 중복되는 항목(項目)이 22항목(項目)을 감안하연 설문지(設問紙)(I)과 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 총(總) 192문항(問項) 중(中) 체질(體質)에 따른 유의도(有意度) 검사(檢査)에 있어서 실질적(實質的)으로 유의(有意)있게 나타나는 문항(問項)은 총(總) 73문항(問項)이었다. P값이 0.001이하(以下)의 값을 보인 문항(問項)은 설문지(設問紙)(I)이 33문항(問項)이었으며, 설문지(設問紙)(II)의는 40문항(問項)으로 나타나 대체로 유의성(有意性)이 매우 높음을 알 수 있었다. 2. "설문지(設問紙)를 통한 사상체질(四象體質)의 임상적(臨床的) 분류방안(分類方案) 연구(硏究)"와 "체질진단분류(體質診斷分類)에 따른 질병(疾病) 및 증상유형(症狀類型)에 관한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究)II"에서 유의성(有意性)이 입증(立證)된 설문문항(設問問項)을 몇 가지 추가(追加)하여 총(總) 851문항(問項)의 설문지(設問紙)를 구성(構成)하였다. 각(各) 문항(問項)들을 항목별(項目別)로 나누어 살펴보면, <체격(體格)과 체형(體型)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 7개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <외모(外貌)(안색(顔色))와 태도(態度)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 7개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <습관(習慣)과 성격(性格)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <생리(生理)-병리상태(病理狀態)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <평소(平素) 건강(健康)할 때 자주 느끼는 증상(症狀)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 4개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <식사습관(食事習慣)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었으며, <평소(平素) 잘 나타나는 증세(症勢)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 14개(個) 문항(問
사상체질진단(四象體質診斷)에 있어 임상적(臨床的)으로 가장 많이 활용(活用)되며 또한 객관성(客觀性)이 인정(認定)되고 있는 방법(方法)으로는 설문지(設問紙)를 이용하는 방법(方法)이 있으며 그 중 대표적으로 사상변증내용(四象辨證內容) 설문조사지(設問調査紙)(I)과 사상체질분류조사지(四象體質分類調査紙)(QSCC II)가 있으나, 그 체질판정(體質判定)에 있어 각기 한쪽 체질(體質)로 치우치는 경향성(傾向性)을 보이므로 인(因)하여 임상가(臨床家)에서는 그 나름대로의 가치(價値)를 지니면서도 크게 일반화(一般化)되지 못하는 것이 현실(現實)이다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 사상체질진단(四象體質診斷)의 객관화(客觀化)를 위한 설문지(設問紙)의 연구(硏究)로써 동의대학교(東義大學校) 한의과대학(韓醫科大學) 부속한방병원(附屬韓方病院)에 내원(來院)한 자(者) 692명(名)(종합건강진단센터 대상자(對象者) 575명(名)과 환자(患者) 117명(名) 중 설문지(設問紙)(I)과 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 설문조사(設問調査) 결과(結果)와 사상체질전공의(四象體質專攻醫)의 체질판별(體質判別) 결과(結果)가 모두 치(致)하는 250명(名) 중(中)에서 설문지(設問紙) 내용(內容)이 비교적(比較的) 충실(充實)한 200명(名)을 대상(對象)으로 설문조사(設問調査) 내용(內容)을 통계분석(統計分析)하고 이를 토대(土臺)로 새로운 설문(設問)의 구성(構成)을 시도(試圖)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻게 되었다. 1. 설문지(設問紙)(I), 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 총(總) 192문항(問項)((설문지(設問紙)(I) 71문항(問項), 설문지(設問紙)(II) 121문항(問項))중에서 유의성(有意性)을 가지는 문항(問項)(P값이 최소(最小) 0.04 이상(以下))은 84문항(問項)(설문지(設問紙)(I)이 39문항(問項), 설문지(設問紙)(II)가 45문항(問項))이었다. 이중에서 서로 중복되는 항목(項目)이 22항목(項目)을 감안하연 설문지(設問紙)(I)과 설문지(設問紙)(II)의 총(總) 192문항(問項) 중(中) 체질(體質)에 따른 유의도(有意度) 검사(檢査)에 있어서 실질적(實質的)으로 유의(有意)있게 나타나는 문항(問項)은 총(總) 73문항(問項)이었다. P값이 0.001이하(以下)의 값을 보인 문항(問項)은 설문지(設問紙)(I)이 33문항(問項)이었으며, 설문지(設問紙)(II)의는 40문항(問項)으로 나타나 대체로 유의성(有意性)이 매우 높음을 알 수 있었다. 2. "설문지(設問紙)를 통한 사상체질(四象體質)의 임상적(臨床的) 분류방안(分類方案) 연구(硏究)"와 "체질진단분류(體質診斷分類)에 따른 질병(疾病) 및 증상유형(症狀類型)에 관한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究)II"에서 유의성(有意性)이 입증(立證)된 설문문항(設問問項)을 몇 가지 추가(追加)하여 총(總) 851문항(問項)의 설문지(設問紙)를 구성(構成)하였다. 각(各) 문항(問項)들을 항목별(項目別)로 나누어 살펴보면, <체격(體格)과 체형(體型)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 7개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <외모(外貌)(안색(顔色))와 태도(態度)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 7개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <습관(習慣)과 성격(性格)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <생리(生理)-병리상태(病理狀態)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <평소(平素) 건강(健康)할 때 자주 느끼는 증상(症狀)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 4개(個) 문항(問項)이었고, <식사습관(食事習慣)>을 묻는 문항(問項)이 3개(個) 문항(問項)이었으며, <평소(平素) 잘 나타나는 증세(症勢)>를 묻는 문항(問項)이 14개(個) 문항(問
The object of this study was 200 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center during 9 months from Jan. 1999 to sept. 1999. We proceeded the judgment of Sasang Constitution according to 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)', and 'Quest...
The object of this study was 200 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center during 9 months from Jan. 1999 to sept. 1999. We proceeded the judgment of Sasang Constitution according to 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)', and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII)' and the diagnosis by a medical specialist. The following conclusion were made in comparison with Sasang Constitution and Questionnaire. 1. We selected the 84 subjects what had the statistical value out of the 196 subjects('Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)' had the 71 subjects and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII)', had the 121 subjects). And we selected again the 73 subjects('Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)', had the 33 subjects and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II (QSCC II)' had the 40 subjects) out of the 84 subjects, because it had a repeated subjects. 2. We made the Questionnaire what has the 85 subjects, including the subjects what was approved its statistical value by 'A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE JUDGMENT OF SASANG CONSTITUTION ACCORDING TO QUESTIONNAIRE' and 'A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE TYPE OF DISEASE AND SYMPTOM ACCORDING TO SASANG CONSTITUTION CLASSIFICATION'. The subject what ask the physique and the body form was 7, the subject what ask the external appearance and the posture was 7, the subject what ask the habit and the character was 3, the subject what ask the physiology and the pathology was 3, the subject what ask the phenomenon that he has frequency was 4, the subject what ask the eating was 3, the subject what ask the symptom that he has frequency was 14, the subject what ask the work and the qualities-defects was 6, the subject what ask the friendly intercourse was 7, the subject what ask the usual mind was 5, the subject what ask the emotional inclination was I, the subject what ask the behavioral inclination was 10, the subject what ask the character was 15. 3. In the new Questionnaire, the subject what has relevance to Soyang was 84, the subject what has relevance to Soeum was 87, the subject what has relevance to Taeeum was 70. And we made the point of subject with the statistical ratio. The total point of Soyang was 7785.04, the total point of Soeum was 7742.80, the total point of Taeeum was 7746.60. 4. As a result of judgment of Sasang Constitution between the clinical diagnosis by a medical specialist and the new Questionnaire, the diagnostic accuracy of new Questionnaire was 73.33%. The diagnostic accuracy of Soyang was low, the others was high. And the Taeyang was excepted.
The object of this study was 200 patients who had been treated in the Oriental Medical Hospital at Dong Eui Medical Center during 9 months from Jan. 1999 to sept. 1999. We proceeded the judgment of Sasang Constitution according to 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)', and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII)' and the diagnosis by a medical specialist. The following conclusion were made in comparison with Sasang Constitution and Questionnaire. 1. We selected the 84 subjects what had the statistical value out of the 196 subjects('Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)' had the 71 subjects and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII)', had the 121 subjects). And we selected again the 73 subjects('Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification (I)', had the 33 subjects and 'Questionnaire of Sasang Constitution Classification II (QSCC II)' had the 40 subjects) out of the 84 subjects, because it had a repeated subjects. 2. We made the Questionnaire what has the 85 subjects, including the subjects what was approved its statistical value by 'A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE JUDGMENT OF SASANG CONSTITUTION ACCORDING TO QUESTIONNAIRE' and 'A CLINICAL STUDY OF THE TYPE OF DISEASE AND SYMPTOM ACCORDING TO SASANG CONSTITUTION CLASSIFICATION'. The subject what ask the physique and the body form was 7, the subject what ask the external appearance and the posture was 7, the subject what ask the habit and the character was 3, the subject what ask the physiology and the pathology was 3, the subject what ask the phenomenon that he has frequency was 4, the subject what ask the eating was 3, the subject what ask the symptom that he has frequency was 14, the subject what ask the work and the qualities-defects was 6, the subject what ask the friendly intercourse was 7, the subject what ask the usual mind was 5, the subject what ask the emotional inclination was I, the subject what ask the behavioral inclination was 10, the subject what ask the character was 15. 3. In the new Questionnaire, the subject what has relevance to Soyang was 84, the subject what has relevance to Soeum was 87, the subject what has relevance to Taeeum was 70. And we made the point of subject with the statistical ratio. The total point of Soyang was 7785.04, the total point of Soeum was 7742.80, the total point of Taeeum was 7746.60. 4. As a result of judgment of Sasang Constitution between the clinical diagnosis by a medical specialist and the new Questionnaire, the diagnostic accuracy of new Questionnaire was 73.33%. The diagnostic accuracy of Soyang was low, the others was high. And the Taeyang was excepted.
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