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중질유-물 유화연료의 연소특성 평가
An Evaluation on the Combustion Characteristics of Heavy Oil-Water Emulsions 원문보기

大韓機械學會論文集. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. B. B, v.26 no.12 = no.207, 2002년, pp.1722 - 1728  

이용일 (SK㈜ 석유제품기술팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Most researches regarding emulsified fuel were in the areas of emulsifier, emulsified fuel manufacturing and emulsified fuel droplet combustion, but there were little papers published regarding emulsified fuel combustion and boiler efficiency in an industrial boiler. The main purpose of this study i...


참고문헌 (18)

  1. Jacques, M.T., 1977, 'Transient Heating of an Emulsified Water-in-Oil Droplet,' Combustion and Flame, Vol.292, pp. 77-85 

  2. Cook, D.H. and Law, C.K., 1978, 'A Preliminary Study on the Utilization of Water-in-Oil Emulsions in Diesel Engines,' Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 217-221 

  3. Law, C.K., 1977, 'A Model for the Combustion of Oil/Water Emulsion Droplets,' Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 29-38 

  4. Nicholas, J.M., Kennedy, I.M. and Frederick, L.R., 1983, 'Internal Phase Size Effects on Combustion of Emulsions,' Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 33, pp. 299-307 

  5. Pyon, D. Y., Cho, J. Y., Baek, S. W., Ahn, K. Y., 1997, 'Combustion and Microexplosion of Al/Liquid Fuel Slurry Droplets(I),' Transactions of KSME (Part B), Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1576-1585 

  6. Gollahalli, S.R., Rasmussen, M.L. and Moussavi, S.J., 1981, 'Combustion of Drops and Sprays of No. 2 Diesel Oil and Its Emulsion with Water,' Eighteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp. 349-360 

  7. Ballester, J.M., Fueyo, N. and Dopazo, C., 1995, 'Detailed Measurements in Heavy Oil and Oil/Water Emulsion Flames,' Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 106, pp. 383-391 

  8. Gollahalli, S.R., Nasrullah, M.K. and Bhashi, J.H., 1984, 'Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Burning Sprays Residual Oil and Its Emulsions with Water,' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 55, pp. 93-103 

  9. SK Corporation, 1995, An Introduction to Heavy Fuel Oil, pp. 61-90 

  10. Korea Petroleum Institute, 'The Specification and Quality of Petroleum Products,' 1999, pp. 76-82 

  11. Lee, Y. I., Han. J. S., 2001, 'A Study on the Spray Characteristics of Hydrocarbon-fuels with Viscosity Variations,' ILASS-Korea, Vol. 6/No 3, pp. 23-32 

  12. Kojima, Sakai, Yokugawa, 1994, 'Fuel Oil of Large-scale Marine Diesel Engine-Usage of Low Quality Fuel Oil and Air Pollution,' Sanhaedang, pp. 208-232 

  13. Lee, Y. I., 1996, 'The Countermeasures to Reduce Nitric Oxides,' SK Corporation, pp. 26-48 

  14. Ballester, J.M., Fueyo, N. and Dopazo, C., 1996, 'Combustion Characteristics of Heavy Oil-Water Emulsions,' Fuel, Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 695-705 

  15. Gulyurthu, I., Lopes, H. and Cabrita, I., 1996, 'The Determination of Emissions of Pollutants from Burning Waste Oils,' Fuel Vol. 75 No. 8, pp. 940-944 

  16. Barreiros, I. and Cavalho, M.G., 1993, 'Combustion of the Near Burner Region and Measurements of NOx and Particulates Emissions in Heavy Fuel Oil Spray Flames,' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 92, pp. 231-240 

  17. Stephen, C. Wood, 1994, 'Select the Right NOx Control Technology,' Chemical Engineering Progress Vol. 90/No. 1, pp. 32-38 

  18. Ashutosh Garg, 1994, 'Air Staging, Fuel Staging, and Internal Flue Gas Recirculation are among the Design Features that Help Reduce Nox Emissions,' Chemical Engineering Progress Vol. 90/No. 1, pp. 46-49 

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