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SN비를 이용한 다수의 망소/망대특성을 가지는 MADM 문제의 선호대안 선정
Selecting on the Preferred Alternatives of MADM with the­smaller­the­better or the­larger­the­better Characteristics using SN Ratios 원문보기

品質經營學會誌 = Journal of Korean society for quality management, v.31 no.4, 2003년, pp.150 - 163  

이강인 (전주대학교 공학부 산업공학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this paper is to propose an interactive method using the concept of Signal­to­Noise (SN) ratios and cutting ranges for selecting the most preferred alternatives of Multiple­attribute Decision­Making(MADM) with the­smaller­the­better or the­larger­the­better characteristics. In this me...


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