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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Typical probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) results were used to estimate the performance indicator (PI) thresholds of unplanned reactor scram (URS) and safety system unavailability (SSU) for Korean nuclear power plants (NPPs). The changes in core damage frequency (${\Delta}$CDFs) of <...


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문제 정의

  • On the other hand, the thresholds for the SSU PI were estimated using information on the component unavailability, the Fussell-Vesely (FV) importance, and the CDF. This study presents an assessment of PI thresholds for Korean NPPs and discusses related problems and proposed resolutions for improvement.

가설 설정

  • The Cyan/Yellow and Yellow/Orange thresholds for the SSU PI of the two NPPs are slightly higher than the corresponding KINS thresholds. Thus, the current KINS SSU PI thresholds are set up somewhat conservatively.
  • The high pressure safety injection system (HPSIS) PI thresholds of the KINS are very conservatively set up compared to those of the KI NPP. Meanwhile, the HPSIS Green/Cyan threshold of the KINS is optimistically determined compared to that of the K2 NPP.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (19)

  1. D.I Kang et aI., 'Development on the Application Technology of Risk-Based Performance Indicator for Korean NPPs (in Korean)', KINS/HR-584, KINS, (2004) 

  2. D. I Kang et aI., 'A Study of the State of the Art on the Determination of the Threshold Values of the Performance Indicators for Safety Systems and Initiating Events of Nuclear Power Plants (in Korean)', KAERI/AR-698/2004, KAERI, (2004) 

  3. USNRC, 'Rector Oversight Process', NUREG1649.Rev.3, (2000) 

  4. USNRC, 'Risk-Based Performance Indicators: Results of Phase I Development.' NUREG-1753, NRC, (2002) 

  5. USNRC, 'Reactor Oversight Process SelfAssessment for Calendar Year 2003', SECY04-0053, NRC, (2004) 

  6. Patrick W.Baranowsky and Donald A. Dube, 'Mitigating Systems Performance Index', seminar material (presentation to ACRS subcommittees on reliability and PRA, and plant operations), USNRC, (2003) 

  7. S. Chakraborty et a!', 'Risk-Based Safety Performance Indicators for Nuclear Power Plants', SMIRT17, Prague, Czech Republic, August 17-22, (2003) 

  8. USNRC, 'Recommendations for Reactor Oversight Process Improvements', SECY -99-007, Appendix H, NRC, (1999) 

  9. USNRC, 'Recommendations for Reactor Oversight Process Improvements(Follow-up to SECY 99-007)' , SECY-99-007A, NRC, (1999) 

  10. USNRC Website, http://www.nrc.gov/ NRR/OVERSIGHT / ASSESS/cornerstone.ht ml 

  11. O.H Keum et al. 'Assessment of Nuclear Safety Performance Indicators (in Korean)', KINS-AR/802, KINS, (2002) 

  12. KINS Website, http://opis.kins.re.kr/ spix/ spO 1_001_ 00 .jsp ?MENU _ CODESPIX WW03YYO1ZZ01 

  13. USNRC, 'An Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decisions on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis' , RG 1.174, (1998) 

  14. Michal C. Cheok et aI., 'Use of Importance Measures in Risk-Informed Regulatory Applications', Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 60, p 213-226, (1998) 

  15. Wall, I.B and Worledge, D. H., 'Some Perspectives on Risk Importance Measures', In Proceedings of PSA '96, p 203-208, Park City Utah, September 29-0ctober 3, (1996) 

  16. Kil-You Kim et aI., 'A Study on Importance Measures for Risk-Informed Regulation & Applications (in Korean)', KAERI/TR- 2432/2003, KAERI, (2003) 

  17. . NRC, 'Draft Overview of the Development of Mitigating Systems Performance Indices (MSPls)' , ADMAS accession number ML031360121, NRC, (2003) 

  18. NEI, 'Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline', NEI 99-02, Rev. 2, (2002) 

  19. Mee-Jung Hwang et al., 'A Study on Maintenance Rule Program and Its Application to Korean NPP(in Korean)' , Rev.1, KAERl/TR-1788/2001, KAERI, (2001) 

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