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AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 논문에서는 소자 결합 구조를 통해 발진전력이 합쳐지는 회로를 이용한 저전압, 고효율 Q-band MIMIC 발진기를 제안한다. 0.1 ㎛ GaAs PHEMTS와 CPW 전송라인을 사용하여 제안된 구조의 발진기를 성공적으로 집적화하였다. 제작된 발진기는 34.56 ㎓ 주파수에서 2.6 ㏈m의 출력 전력일때 19 %의 높은 효율특성을 가졌다. 이때 회로에 인가된 전압은 2.2 V로 현재까지 Q-band에서 발표된 발진기보다 낮은 구동전압 특성을 얻었다. 또한 최대 출력 전력은 34.56 ㎓ 주파수에서 6.7 ㏈m을 얻었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we present the low voltage and high efficiency Q-band MIMIC oscillator using device-level power combined structure. The oscillator was successfully integrated by using 0.1 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ GaAs PHEMTS and the CPW transmission line. We show that the highest efficiency is ...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Y. Hwang, P. D. Chow, J. Lester, J. Chi, D. Garske, M. Biedenbender, and R. Lai, 'Fully-matched, high-efficiency Q-band 1 W MMIC solid state power amplifier,' IEEE Monolithic Microwave Millimeter-wave Circuits Symp. Tech. Dig., pp. 167-170, June 1996 

  2. A. Cidronali, G. Collodi, N. El-Zein, V. Nair, G. Manes, H. Goronkin, 'A Highly Linear Single Balanced Mixer Based on Heterojunction Interband Tunneling Diode,' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2437-2445, Dec. 2001 

  3. Frank Ellinger, Urs Lott, Werner Bachtold, 'Design of a low-supply-voltage high-efficiency class-E voltage-controll ed MMIC oscillator at C-band,' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 203-206, Jan. 2001 

  4. M. Prigent, M. Camiade, G. Pataut, D. Reffet, J. Nebus, and J. Obregon, 'High efficient free running class-F oscillator,' IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 6, pp.441-443, Dec. 1996 

  5. Y. Shoji, K. Hamaguchi, and H. Ogawa, 'A Low-Cost and Stable Millimeter-Wave Transmission System Using a Transmission-Filter-Less Double-Side-Band Millimeter-Wave Self-Heterodyne Transmission Technique,' IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E86-B, no. 6, pp. 1884-1892, June 2003 

  6. I. D. Robertson, MMIC DESIGN, The Institution of Electrical Engineer 

  7. Ganesh R. Basawapatna, Roger B. Stancliff, 'A Unified Approach to the Design of Wide-Band Microwave Solid-State Oscillators,' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. MTT-27, no. 5, pp. 379-385, May 1979 

  8. Tae-Sin Kang, Seong-Dae Lee, Bok-Hyoung Lee, Sam-Dong Kim, Hyun-Chang Park, Hyung-Moo Park, and Jin-Koo Rhee, 'Design and Fabrication of a Low-Noise Amplifier for the V-band,' J. Korean Phys. Soc., vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 533-538, Oct. 2002 

  9. Youngwoo Kwon, Changyul Cheon, Nyuntae Kim, Chungwoo Kim, Insang Song, and Cimoo Song, 'A Ka-Band MMIC Oscillator Stabilized with a Micromachined Cavity,' IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 360-362, Sep. 1999 

  10. Oya Sevimli, John W. Archer, and Grant J. Griffiths, 'GaAs HEMT Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators at 20 and 30 GHz Incorporating Schottky-Varactor Frequency Tuning,' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1572-1576, Oct. 1998 

  11. C. N. Rheinfelder, F. BeiBwanger, J. Gerdes, F. J. Schmuckle, K. M. Strohm, J.-F. Luy, and W. Heinrich, 'A Coplanar 38-GHz SiGe MMIC Oscillator,' IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 398-400, Sep, 1999 

  12. C. N. Rheinfelder, K. M. Strohm, L. Metzger, H. Kibbel, J.-F. and W. Heinrich, '47 GHz SiGe-MMIC Oscillator,' IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 5-8, 1999 

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