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열화학적 IS 공정에서 요오드화수소의 분해에 적용하기 위하여 화학증착법(CVD)으로 제조된 silica 막의 안정성을 HI-$H_2O$ 기상 혼합물에서 평가하였다. Si 원천으로 tetraethoxysilane을 사용하여 서로 다른 CVD 온도로 기공크기가 100 nm인 $\alpha$-alumina를 처리하였다. CVD온도는 $700^{\circ}C$, $650^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$이었다. $600^{\circ}C$에서 수행한 단일 성분의 투과 실험에서 측정한 막의 $H_2$/$N_2$ 선택도는 CVD 온도 $700^{\circ}C$의 M1 막은 43.2, $650^{\circ}C$의 M2 막은 12.6, $600^{\circ}C$의 M3 막은 8.7을 나타내었다. HI-$H_2O$ 기상 혼합물에서 안정성 실험은 $450^{\circ}C$에서 수행하였는데, CVD 온도 $650^{\circ}C$에서 처리된 막이 다른 온도에서 처리된 막보다 더 안정성이 더 좋은 결과를 얻었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The stability of the prepared silica membrane by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method in the HI-$H_2O$ gaseous mixture was evaluated aiming at the application for hydrogen iodide decomposition in the thermochemical IS process. Porous $\alpha$-alumina having pore size of 100 n...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • In this study, it was measured the effect of CVD treatment temperature in the gas permeation properties of homemade silica membrane using the porous a- alumina tube as a support tube and was compared its stability for a long exposure times in the HI-H2O gaseos mixture at 450℃.

대상 데이터

  • The modified membrane was fixed in quartz test tube that was placed in an electric furnace. Test gas was produced by vaporizing hydriodic acid (57 wt%). Te아 temperature was kept at 450℃.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

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  3. G.-J. Hwang, K. Onuki, and S. Shimizu, 'Studies on hydrogen separation membrane for IS process Membrane preparation with porous a-alumina tube', JAERI, Research Rep. 98 002, JAERI, Ibaraki, Japan (1998) 

  4. G.-J. Hwang, K. Onuki, and S. Shimizu, 'Separation of Hydrogen from $H_2-H_2O$ -HI gaseous mixture using a silica membrane', AIChE. J., 46(1), 92 (2000) 

  5. G.-J. Hwang and K. Onuki, 'Simulation study on the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen iodide in a membrane reactor with a silica membrane for the thermochemical water splitting IS process', J. Memb. Sci., 194, 207 (2001) 

  6. G.-J. Hwang, J.-W. Kim, H.-S. Choi, and K. Onuki, 'Stability of a silica membrane prepared by CVD using $\gamma$ - and $\alpha$ -alumina tube as the support tube in the HI- $H_2O$ gaseous mixture', J. Memb. Sci., 215, 293 (2003) 

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  15. S. Morooka, S. S. Kim, S. Yan, K. Kusakabe, and M. Watanabe, 'Separation of hydrogen from an $H_2-H_2O$ -HBr system with an $SiO_2$ membrane formed in macropores of an $\alpha$ -alumina support tube', Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 21(3), 183 (1996) 

  16. F. S. Becker, D. P awlik, H. Schafer, and G. Staudigl, 'Process and film characterization of low pressure tetraethylorthosilicate borophosphosilicate glass', J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 4(3), 732 (1986) 

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