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녹조류 청각의 생식방법을 이용한 인공종묘생산
Artificial Seed Production Using the Reproduction Methods in Codium fragile (Chlorophyta) 원문보기

한국수산학회지 = Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society, v.38 no.3, 2005년, pp.164 - 171  

황은경 (국립수산과학원 해조류연구센터) ,  백재민 (국립수산과학원 해조류연구센터) ,  박찬선 (목포대학교 해양자원학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot, an edible green alga is farmed in Korea by natural blooming zygotes attachment. Experiments were conducted to reveal the conditions for artificial seed production of C. fragile by sexual and asexual reproduction. Growth was compared between zygotes attachment (sexua...


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문제 정의

  • 따라서 이 연구에서는 청각의 유성 및 무성생식방법을 통하 여 기대되는 인공종묘생산의 가능성 및 형태형성을 유발하는 조건을 구명함으로써 청각의 완전양식을 위한 효과적인 인공 종묘생산의 조건을 제시하고자 하였다.

가설 설정

  • A: A fragment of vegetative thallus. B: Internal structure of C. fragile having utricles and medullary filaments. C: Isolated utricle and medullary filament.
  • A: Zygotes attached on cremona fibers. B: Medullary filaments originated from zygotes after one month culture. C: Growth of erect thalli and medullary filaments originated from zygotes after two months culture.
  • B: Medullary filaments originated from zygotes after one month culture. C: Growth of erect thalli and medullary filaments originated from zygotes after two months culture. D: Isolated utricles and medullary filament attached on fiber.
  • B: Utricle with female gametangium (arrow head). C: Utricle with male gametangium (arrow head). D: Gametes released from gametangium.
  • C: Utricle with male gametangium (arrow head). D: Gametes released from gametangium. E: Female gametes (f), male gametes (m) and zygote (z).
  • C: Growth of erect thalli and medullary filaments originated from zygotes after two months culture. D: Isolated utricles and medullary filament attached on fiber. E: Medullary filaments originated from isolated filaments after one month culture.
  • C: Isolated utricle and medullary filament. D: Regenerated utricles and medullary filaments after 10 days culture. E: Growth of erect thallus with medullary filaments after 30 days culture under 15℃, 60 μmol-m'2-s-1 and 16:8LD.
  • D: Isolated utricles and medullary filament attached on fiber. E: Medullary filaments originated from isolated filaments after one month culture. F: Growth of erect thalli and medullary filaments originated from isolated medullary filaments after two months culture.
  • E: Female gametes (f), male gametes (m) and zygote (z). F: Germlings after 2 days culture. G: Germling after 7 days culture.
  • E: Medullary filaments originated from isolated filaments after one month culture. F: Growth of erect thalli and medullary filaments originated from isolated medullary filaments after two months culture. Scale bars are 1 cm (A-F).
  • G: Germling after 7 days culture. H: Elongated medullary filament after 12 days culture. I: Growth of erect thallus with medullary filaments after 30 days culture under 151, 60 μmol .
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참고문헌 (28)

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