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자동차 조립공정에 대한 작업자세 평가도구의 비교
Comparison of Evaluation Tools of Work Posture in Automobiles Assembly Process 원문보기

Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea = 大韓人間工學會誌, v.25 no.3, 2006년, pp.61 - 66  

서승록 (대구대학교 자동차.산업.기계공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Awkward work postures in workshop highly affect on work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs). Especially, in automobiles assembly process, these awkward work postures of workers may cause serious injury and illness. This study is to compare the performance among the evaluation tools which can me...


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문제 정의

  • 이에, 본 연구에서는 자동차 조립공정에서의 작업 자세에 대하여 기존의 널리 사용되는 RULA, REBA와 자동차 공장의 조립작업의 특성을 고려하여 개발된 TVAL간 작업 자세의 유해도 분석결과, 즉 부하수준의 비교 분석을 통하여 이들 기법들간의 작업자세 부하 평가 특성을 파악하고자 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Brogmus, G. E., Sorock, G. S. and Webster, B. S., Recent trends in workrelated cumulative trauma disorders of the upper extremities in the United States: An evaluation of possible reasons, Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 38(4), pp401-411, 1996 

  2. Chaffin, D. B., Anderson, G. B. J. and Martin, B. J., Occupational Biomechanics(3rd Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999 

  3. Engstrom, T., Hanse, J. J. and Kadefors, R., Musculoskeletal symptoms due to technical preconditions in long cycle time work in an automobile assembly plant: a study of prevalence and relation to psychosocial factors and physical exposure, Applied Ergonomics, 30, pp443-453, 1999 

  4. Hignett, S. & McAtammy, L., Rapid Entire Body Assessment(REBA), Applied Ergonomics, 31, pp201-205, 2000 

  5. http://www.bls.gov/ 

  6. Iritani, T., Koide, I. and Sugimoto, Y., Strategy for health and safety management at an automobile company from the prevention of low back pain to Toyota's Verification of Assembly Line(TVAL), Industrial Health, 35(2), pp249-258, 1997 

  7. Karhu, O., et al., Correcting Working Postures in Industry: A practical method for analysis, Applied Ergonomics, 8(4), pp199-201, 1977 

  8. McAtamney, L. & Corlett, E. N., RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders, Applied Ergonomics, 24(2), pp91-99, 1993 

  9. OSHA, Ergonomics Program: Final Rule(29 CFR Part 1910), Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Federal Register, 65(220), 2000 

  10. Putz-Anderson, V., Cumulative trauma disorders: A manual for musculoskeletal diseases of the upper limbs, Taylor & Francis: London, 1988 

  11. World Health Organization(WHO), Health and environment in sustainable development: Five years after the earth summit, Geneva, 1997 

  12. 기도형, 박기현, 작업자세 평가 기법 OWAS, RULA, REBA 비교, 한국안전학회지, 20(2), pp127-132, 2005 

  13. 노동부, 산업재해 분석, 2005 

  14. 이인석, 정민근, 최경임, 지각불편도를 이용한 관찰적 작업자세 평 가 기법의 비교, 대한인간공학회지, 22(1), pp43-56, 2003 

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