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갯벌을 이용하는 풀망둑(Acanthogobius hasta)과 쉬쉬망둑(Chaeturichtys stigmatias)의 섭식생태
Feeding Ecology of Gavelin Goby (Acanthogobius hasta) and Fine Spot Goby (Chaeturichtys stigmatias) in the Jangbong Tidal Flat, Incheon, Korea 원문보기

한국수산학회지 = Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society, v.39 suppl.1, 2006년, pp.165 - 179  

서인수 (인하대학교 해양과학과) ,  홍재상 (인하대학교 해양과학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Food habits of the gavelin goby Acanthogobius hasta and the fine spot goby Chaeturichtys stigmatias populations were investigated in the Jangbong tidal flat near Incheon, Korea. Samples were taken monthly from November 1999 to January 2001. The gut contents of 248 gavelin gobies and 139 fine spot go...


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참고문헌 (38)

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