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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The novel blue light emitting material, 9,10-bis(3',5'-diphenylphenyl)anthracene (BDA) was synthesized by Suzuki coupling reaction and characterized by the measurements of 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FT-IR. The new anthracene derivative, which contains anthracene as a main core unit and 3',5'-diphenylphenyl...


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제안 방법

  • The introduced bulky substituents also lead the increased rigidity of molecules, which results in the high efficiency due to reduced vibronic mode and inhibited intermolecular interaction. In this article, we have newly designed novel blue light emitting material, 9,10-bis(3',5'-diphenylphenyl)anthracene (BDA), which contains anthracene as a main core unit and 3',5'-diphenylphenyl group derivative as wings. The introduction of 3',5'-diphenylpheny “wing” which is rigid and bulky, is expected to provide BDA with high efficient blue emission due to intramolecular energy transfer and inhibited intermolecular interaction.
  • Figure 1 showed the 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra of BDA. Theoretical calculation using PM3 parameterization in the HyperChem
    5.0 program (Hypercube), in order to fully optimize the molecular structure, was carried out for the characterization of 3-dimensional structures and the energy densities of HOMO and LUMO states of each material
    . Figure 2 shows the stereostructure of BDA derived from calculative analysis.

대상 데이터

  • To study electroluminescent (EL) properties of highly efficient device by using obtained material as emitter, multilayer device with the configuration glass/indium-tin-oxide anode/hole-injection layer (HIL)/hole-transporting layer (HTL)/emitting layer (EML)/electron transporting layer (ETL)/electron-injection layer (EIL)/Al cathode was fabricated. The copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) (20 nm) was used as HIL, 1,4-bis[(1-naphthylphenyl)-amino]biphenyl (α-NPD) (50 nm) as a HTL, DBA (40 nm) as an emitting layer, tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (20 nm) (Alq3) as an ETL, LiF (1nm) as an EIL and Al as an cathode. The current-luminance (I-L), voltage-current density (V-I) and current-efficiency (I-eff) characteristics of device based on BDA is shown in Figure 4.
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참고문헌 (43)

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