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전단변형이론 및 미분구적법을 이용한 곡선보의 면외 진동해석
Out-of-Plane Vibration Analysis of Curved Beams Considering Shear Deformation Using DQM 원문보기

한국전산구조공학회논문집 = Journal of the computational structural engineering institute of Korea, v.20 no.4, 2007년, pp.417 - 425  

강기준 (호서대학교 자동차공학과) ,  김장우 (호서대학교 디스플레이공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

곡선보(curved beam)의 회전관성(rotatory inertia) 및 전단변형(shear deformation)을 고려한 면외(out-of-plane) 자유진동을 해석하는데 미분구적법(DQM)을 이용하여 고정-고정 경계조건(boundary conditions)과 다양한 굽힘각(opening angles)에 따른 진동수(frequencies)를 계산하였다. DQM의 결과는 엄밀해(efact solution) 또는 다른 수치해석 결과와 비교하였으며, DQM은 적은 요소(grid points)를 사용하여 정확한 해석결과를 보여주었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The differential quadrature method(DQM) is applied to computation of eigenvalues of the equations of motion governing the free out-of-plane vibration for circular curved beams including the effects of rotatory inertia and transverse shearing deformation. Fundamental frequencies are calculated for th...


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  • The differential equations governing the out-of-plane vibration of a circular beam based on the Bresse-Timoshenko beam theory, in which both the rotatory inertia and the shear deformation are taken into account, were given by Irie et al.(1982) as
  • The differential quadrature method ①QM) was used to compute the eigenvalues of the equations of motion governing the free out-oFp]ane vibration of curved beams based on the classical beam theory and Bresse-Timoshenko beam theory. The lowest frequency parameters were calculated for the member of square and circular cross sections under clamped-clamped boundary conditions and various opening angles.
  • The fundamental frequency parameters of curved beams are calculated by the differential quadrature method (DQM), and the results are compared with the solutions by other methods in인u由ng the effects of the rotatory inertia and shear deformation.
  • This simple direct technique can be applied to a large number of cases to circumvent the difficulties of programming complex algorithms for the computer, as well as excessive use of storage. This method is used in the present work to analyze the out-of-plane vibration of curved beams based on the classical beam theory and Bresse-Timoshenko beam theory. The lowest frequency parameters are calculated for the member of square and circular cross sections under clamped-clamped boundary conditions with various opening angles.
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참고문헌 (19)

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  2. Bell, R. E., Casti, J. (1971) Differential Quadrature and Long-term Integration, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 34, pp.235-238 

  3. Den Hartog, J. P. (1928) The Lowest Natural Frequency of Circular Arcs, Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, 5, pp.400-408 

  4. Farsa, J., Kukreti, A. R., Bert, C. W. (1993) Fundamental Frequency of Laminated Rectangular Plates by Differential Quadrature Method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, pp.2341-2356 

  5. Hamming, R. W. (1973) Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N. Y 

  6. Hoppe, R. (1871) The Bending Vibration of a Circular Ring, Crelle's Journal of Mathematics, 73, pp.158-170 

  7. Irie, T., Yamada, G., Tanaka, K. (1982) Natural Frequencies of Out-of-Plane Vibration of Arcs, Transactions of the Americans Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 49, pp.910-913 

  8. Jang, S. K., Bert, C. W,. Striz, A. G. (1989) Application of Differential Quadrature to Static Analysis of Structural Components, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 28, pp,561-577 

  9. Kang, K., Han, J. (1998) Analysis of a Curved Beam Using Classical and Shear Deformable Beam Theories, KSME International Journal, 12, pp.244-256 

  10. Kang, K., Kim, B. (2002) In-Plane Extensional Vibration Analysis of Curved Beams Using DQM, Journal of Korean Society of Safety, 17, pp.99-104 

  11. Kang, Y. J., Yoo, C. H. (1994) Thin-Walled Curved Beams. I: Formulation of Nonlinear Equations, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 120, pp. 2072-2099 

  12. Kim, J. G., Park, Y. K. (2006) A New Higher-Order Hybrid-Mixed Element for Curved Beam Vibrations, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 19(2), pp.151-160 

  13. Kukreti, A. R., Farsa, J., Bert, C. W. (1992) Fundamental Frequency Tapered Plates by Differential Quadrature, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 118, pp.1221-1238 

  14. Lamb, H. (1888) On the Flexure and Vibrations of a Curved Bar, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 19, pp.365-376 

  15. Lee, B. K., Oh, S. J. (1996) Out of Plane Free Vibrations of Circular Curved Beams, Journal of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 8(1), pp.133-139 

  16. Love, A. E. H. (1944) A Treatise of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, 4 th Edition, Dover Publications, New York 

  17. Malik, M., Bert, C. W. (1994) Differential Quadrature Solution for Steady State Incompressible and Compressible Lubrication Problems, Journal of Tribology, ASME, 116, pp.296-302 

  18. Ojalvo, U. (1962) Coupled Twisting-Bending Vibrations of Incomplete Elastic Rings, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 4, pp.53-72 

  19. Volterra, E., Morell, J. D. (1961) Lowest Natural Frequency of Elastic Arc for Vibrations outside the Plane of Initial Curvature, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 28, pp.624-627 

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