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본 연구에서는 참다래 식초 개발을 위하여 초산발효 조건 및 올리고당 첨가에 따른 품질 특성을 조사하였다. 그 결과 초기알코올 농도 6%, 초기산도 1%에서 7일 동안 발효시켰을 때 총산이 가장 높게 나타났다. 올리고당 첨가에 따른 영향에서 총산은 올리고당 15% 첨가구에서 5.03%로 가장 높게 나타내었다. 참다래 식초의 유리당은 fructose, glucose 및 maltose가 확인되었으며 총 유리당은 올리고당 첨가량이 많을수록 높게 나타났다. 유기산은malic, lactic, acetic, citric 및 succinic acid가 확인되었으며 총 유기산 함량은 올리고당 15% 첨가구에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 올리고당 첨가량에 따른 무기질 함량은 올리고당 첨가량이 높을수록 무기질함량이 조금씩 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과 올리고당 첨가는 참다래 초산발효에 미치는 영향은 크지 않았으며 단맛을 고려할 때 약 15% 첨가가 적당한 수준으로 나타났다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was designed to investigate quality characteristics and conditions of acetic acid fermentation of kiwi vinegar following addition of oligosaccharide. During the acid fermentation alcohol concentration and total acidity were shown to be 6% and 1.0%, respectively, with the highest acetic ac...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 참다래 고유의 향미와 단맛이 있는 식초개발을 위하여 초산발효 조건 및 올리고당 첨가에따른 식초의 이화학적 특성을 조사하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Lee, D.H., Lee, S.C. and Hwang, Y.I. (2000) Processing properties of kiwifruit treated with protopectinase. J. Korean Soc Food Sci. Nutr., 29, 401-406 

  2. D'apres, A. Le kiwi. (2004) Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture, 17, 125-127 

  3. Youn, K.S. and Hong, J.H. (1999) Effects of osmotic dehydration on drying characteristics of kiwifruits. Korean J. Food Preserv., 6, 319-323 

  4. Ha, Y.D. and Kim, K.S. (2000) Civilzation history of vinegar. Food industry and nutrition, 5, 1-6 

  5. Horiuchi, J.I., Kanno, T. and Kobayashi, M. (2000) Effective onion vinegar production by a two-step fermentation system. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 90, 289-293 

  6. Kim, M.L. and Choi, K.H. (2005) Sensory characteristics of citrus vinegar fermented by Glucoacetobacter hansenii CV1. Korean J. Food Cookery Sci., 21, 263-269 

  7. Shin, J.S., Lee, O.S. and Jeong, Y.J. (2002) Changes in the components of onion vinegars by two stages fermentation. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 34, 1079-1084 

  8. Kim, D.H. (1999) Studies on the production of vinegar from fig. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 28, 53-60 

  9. Jeong, Y.J., Seo, J.H., Jung, S.H., Shin, S.R. and Kim, K.S. (1998) The quality comparison of uncleaned rice vinegar by two stages fermentation with commercial uncleaned rice vinegar. Korean J. Food Preserv., 5, 374-379 

  10. Moon, S.Y., Chung, H.C. and Yoon, H.N. (1997) Comparative analysis of commercial vinegars in physicochemical properties, minor components and organoleptic tastes. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 29, 663-670 

  11. Yang, C. Y. (2005) Studies on the physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation of pickled quail egg. Korean J. Food Sci. Ani. Resour., 25, 472-477 

  12. Jang, S.B. (2006) Effects of television programs on viewers' perception of vinegar. Korean J. Food Preserv., 13, 102-107 

  13. Maria, F., Nadine, K., Desager, J.P., Fabienne, G., Dominique, D. and Marcel, R.N.D. (1995) Dietary oligofructose lowers triglycerides, phospholipids and cholosterol in serum and very low density lipoproteins of rats. Lipids, 30, 163-167 

  14. Song, I.S., Lee, K.M. and Kim, M.R. (2004) Quality characteristics of pumpkin jam when sucrose was replaced with oligosaccharides during storage. Korean J. Soc. Food Cookery Sci., 20, 279-286 

  15. Her, B.Y., Sung, H.Y. and Choi, Y.S. (2005) Oligosaccharide-supplemented soy ice cream for diabetic patients : quality characteristics and effects on blood sugar and lipids in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Korean Nutr. Soc., 38, 663-671 

  16. Kim, T.Y., Kim, S.B., Jeong, Y.J., Shin, J.S. and Park, N.Y. (2003) Quality properties of Takju mash vinegar added muskmelon. Korean J. Food Preserv., 10, 522-526 

  17. 정용진. 백창호. 최인욱 (2005) 참다래를 이용한 알콜 발효주의 제조 및 품질 특성. 한국식품과학회 제72차 학술발표대회 초록집. Seoul. Korea. p.162 

  18. Shin, J.S. and Jeong, Y.J. (2003) Changes in the components of acetic acid germentation of brown rice using raw starch digesting enzyme. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 32, 381-387 

  19. Jang, S.Y. and Jeong, Y.J. (2005) Effect of chitosanliquid calcium addition of the quality of kimchi during fermentation. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 34, 715-720 

  20. Jeong, Y.J., Lee, M.H., Seo, K.I., Kim, J.N. and Lee, Y.S. (1998) The quality comparison of grape vinegar by two stages fermentation with traditional grape vinegar. J. East Asian Dietary life, 8, 462-468 

  21. Jeong, Y.J., Seo, J.H., Lee, G.D., Park, N.Y. and Choi, T.H. (1999) The quality comparison of apple vinegar by two stages fermentation with commercial apple vinegar. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr., 28, 353-358 

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