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AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

목적: 의약품의 FDA 개정에 따라 $[^{18}F]$FDG에 휘발성 유기 용매의 분석을 GC로 수행하였다. $[^{18}F]$FDG 주사액은 약 3개월에 걸쳐 생산하면서 정도관리를 수행하였다. 대상 및 방법: $[^{18}F]$FDG 주사액에 존재하는 잔류유기용매의 종류를 줄이기 위해 $[^{18}F]$FDG자동합성장치를 ethanol을 이용해 세정하였다. $[^{18}F]$FDG주사액은 FID가 장착된 Hewlett-Packard 6890 Gas Chromatograph로 분석을 수행하였다. 생산된 $[^{18}F]$FDG의 시료는 상온에서 밀봉된 Vial에 보관하였고 일주일 내에 분석하였다. 결과: $[^{18}F]$FDG 생성물에서 ethanol의 양은 $16.8\sim2762.8ppm$이 검출 되었고 acetonitrile의 양은 $2.3\sim327.6ppm$이 검출 되었다. 결론: 약 3개월간 생산한 $[^{18}F]$FDG 주사액 중에 ethanol과 acetonitrile잔류 용매를 측정해본 결과 USP 허용기준인 ethanol 5000 ppm과 acetonitrile 400 ppm 이하가 유지됨을 확인하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: Analysis of volatile organic solvents in 2-deoxy-2-$[^{18}F]$ fluoro-D-glucose ($[^{18}F]$FDG) preparations was performed by gas chromatography (GC), in accordance with USP. Materials and Methods: Analyses were carried out on a Hewlett-Packard 6890 gas chromatography e...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

가설 설정

  • 2 :18F]FDG 주사제는 FID가 장착된 GC (Hewlett-Packard 6890)를 분석을 수행하였다." Injection Port는 Split 시료 주입으로 셋팅하고, Split ratio는 20:1로설정하였다. Injection port의 온도는 250℃로 설정하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Alexoff DL, Casati R, Fowler JS, Wolf AP, Shea C, Schlyer DJ, et al. Ion Chromatographic Analysis of High Specific Activity $^{18}$ FDG Preparations and Detection of the Chemical Impurity 2-Deoxy-2-chloro-D-glucose. Appl Radiat Isot 1992;43:1313-22 

  2. Alexoff DL, Fowler JS, Gatley SJ. Removal of the 2.2.2 Cryptand (Kryptofix 2.2.2) from $^{18}$ FDG by Cation Exchange. Appl Radiat Isot 1989;42:1189-93 

  3. Chaly T, Dahl JR. Thin layer Chromatographic Detection of Kryrtofix 2.2.2 in the Routine Synthesis of [ $^{18}$ F]2-Fluoro-2-deoxy- Dglucose. Nucl Med Biol 1989;16:385-7 

  4. Ferrieri RA, Schlyer DJ, Alexoff DL, Fowler JS, Wolf AP, Direct Analysis of Kryptofix 2.2.2 in $^{18}$ FDG by Gas Chromatography Using a Nitrogen-selective Detector. Nucl Med Biol 1993;20:367-9 

  5. Mock BH, Winkle W, Vavrek MT. A Color Spot Test for the Detection of Kryptofix 2.2.2 in [ $^{18}$ F]FDG Preparations. Nucl Med Biol 1997;24:193-5 

  6. Moerlein SM, Brodack JW, Siegel BA, Welch MJ. Elimination of Contaminant Kryptofix 2.2.2 in the Routine Production of 2-[ $^{18}$ F]Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose. Appl Radiat Isot 1989;40:741-3 

  7. Channing MA, Huang BX, Eckelman WC. Analysis of residual solvents in 2-[ $^{18}$ F]FDG by GC. Nucl Med Biol 2001;28:469-71 

  8. Hung JC. Comparison of Various requirements of the Quality Assurance procedures for $^{18}$ F-FDG Injection. J Nucl Med. 2002;43: 1495-1506 

  9. Yu S. Review of $^{18}$ F-FDG synthesis and Quality control. Biomed Imaging Interv J 2006;2(4):e57 

  10. Rockville, MD. Organic volatile impurities. (2000)The United States Pharmacopeia 24/National Formulary 19 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention 

  11. Hamacher K, Coenen HH, Stcklin G. Efficient Stereospecific Synthesis of No-Carrier-Added 2-[ $^{18}$ F]-Fluoro-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Using Aminopolyether supported Nucleophilic Substitution, J Nucl Med 1986;27:235-8 

  12. Chang IL, Diubaldo D, Sanders WJ. Headspace Analysis of Organic Volatile Impurities in Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals. Hewlett-Packard Company, USA, 1994 Application Note 228-55 

  13. Classification of residual solvents by risk assessment. In: Guidance for Industry: Q3C Impurities-Residual Solvents. Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration; 1997:3 Available at: http://www.Fda.gov/cder/guidance/Q3Cfnl.pdf. Accessed August 14, 2002 

  14. The Merck Index 13th edition, An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs. And Biologicals. Maryadele J. O'Neil et al (Ed.). Whitehouse Station. Nj. Merck & Co., Inc. 2001 

  15. Acetonitrile [material safety data sheet]. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. available USA at: http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/00170.html. Accessed June 19, 2007 

  16. Ethanol SDA1, Anhydrous [material safety data sheet]. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. USA. available at: http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/88067.html. Accessed June 19, 2007 

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