In this study, we found that the moisture content of black sesame seeds increased in proportion to steaming time, and it decreased in reverse proportion to the roasting temperature and time. The crude fat and crude ash contents were shown to be in the order of steamed black sesame>raw black sesame a...
In this study, we found that the moisture content of black sesame seeds increased in proportion to steaming time, and it decreased in reverse proportion to the roasting temperature and time. The crude fat and crude ash contents were shown to be in the order of steamed black sesame>raw black sesame and roasted black sesame>raw black sesame, Crude protein decreased in reverse proportion to the steaming time, and more crude protein was found in the raw black sesame samples than in the roasted black sesame samples. The contents of sesamin, sesamolin, and total lignans were shown to be in the order of roasted black sesame>raw black sesame>steamed black sesame. In the steamed black sesame samples, sesamin showed its highest level with 20 minutes of treatment, and sesamolin showed its highest level with 15 minutes of treatment. In the roasted black sesame samples, sesamin, sesamolin, and total lignans showed their highest levels with 15 minutes of treatment at $100^{\circ}C$. The phenolic compound content increased in proportion to steaming time in the steamed samples, and reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment at $100^{\circ}C$, and then decreased after 20 minutes. SOD-like activity reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment, and in the roasted sample it reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment, and then decreased after 20 minutes. SOD-like activity was comparatively lower than tocopherol and higher than sesamol. The intensity of electron donating ability, following 30 minute treatments, was shown to be highest in the steamed black sesame samples after 25 minutes of treatment, and next highest in the roasted black sesame samples after 15 minutes at $100^{\circ}C$. The electron donating ability was comparatively lower than tocopherol and sesamol. With regard to lecithin's antioxidant effects, the steamed samples showed a higher oxidation restriction rate in proportion to time, and the roasted samples showed the highest rate after 15 minutes of treatment, and then decreased after 20 minutes of treatment. for hydroxyl radical scavenging, similar scavenging activity to tocopherol, and comparatively higher scavenging activity than sesamol, was shown in all samples: all samples showed scavenging abilities of 90% or higher. In summary, this study applied three different treatment methods to black sesame to determine the optimum treatment conditions, and also examined the antioxidant effects and functional characteristics. The results showed that roasting can be used for other purposes than producing oil, and also suggested that methods other than roasting can be used in a variety of ways in cooking. Also, the different treatment methods can be applied in cooking in a variety of ways, to enhance functionality and preference.
In this study, we found that the moisture content of black sesame seeds increased in proportion to steaming time, and it decreased in reverse proportion to the roasting temperature and time. The crude fat and crude ash contents were shown to be in the order of steamed black sesame>raw black sesame and roasted black sesame>raw black sesame, Crude protein decreased in reverse proportion to the steaming time, and more crude protein was found in the raw black sesame samples than in the roasted black sesame samples. The contents of sesamin, sesamolin, and total lignans were shown to be in the order of roasted black sesame>raw black sesame>steamed black sesame. In the steamed black sesame samples, sesamin showed its highest level with 20 minutes of treatment, and sesamolin showed its highest level with 15 minutes of treatment. In the roasted black sesame samples, sesamin, sesamolin, and total lignans showed their highest levels with 15 minutes of treatment at $100^{\circ}C$. The phenolic compound content increased in proportion to steaming time in the steamed samples, and reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment at $100^{\circ}C$, and then decreased after 20 minutes. SOD-like activity reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment, and in the roasted sample it reached a peak after 15 minutes of treatment, and then decreased after 20 minutes. SOD-like activity was comparatively lower than tocopherol and higher than sesamol. The intensity of electron donating ability, following 30 minute treatments, was shown to be highest in the steamed black sesame samples after 25 minutes of treatment, and next highest in the roasted black sesame samples after 15 minutes at $100^{\circ}C$. The electron donating ability was comparatively lower than tocopherol and sesamol. With regard to lecithin's antioxidant effects, the steamed samples showed a higher oxidation restriction rate in proportion to time, and the roasted samples showed the highest rate after 15 minutes of treatment, and then decreased after 20 minutes of treatment. for hydroxyl radical scavenging, similar scavenging activity to tocopherol, and comparatively higher scavenging activity than sesamol, was shown in all samples: all samples showed scavenging abilities of 90% or higher. In summary, this study applied three different treatment methods to black sesame to determine the optimum treatment conditions, and also examined the antioxidant effects and functional characteristics. The results showed that roasting can be used for other purposes than producing oil, and also suggested that methods other than roasting can be used in a variety of ways in cooking. Also, the different treatment methods can be applied in cooking in a variety of ways, to enhance functionality and preference.
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