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Avian adenovirus 관련 심낭수종-봉입체간염 증후군 진단에 관한 연구
Diagnosis of avian adenovirus-associated hydropericardium hepatitis syndrome 원문보기

韓國家畜衛生學會誌 = Korean journal of veterinary service, v.30 no.3, 2007년, pp.313 - 319  

추금숙 (전라북도 축산위생연구소 익산지소) ,  이정원 (전라북도 축산위생연구소 정읍지소) ,  송희종 (전북대학교 생체안전성연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Avian adenoviruses are diverse group of pathogens and recently hydropericardium hepatitis syndrome (HHS) Is an important, emerged disease of poultry. Particularly 2-3 weeks old age broilers increased mortality ranging from 20-30% and brown native chicken 3-7 weeks sudden onset with mortality 20-50%,...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 최근 관내에서 발생한 IBH- HPS 복합감염에 대한 검사방법을 확립하고 신속한 질병 진단을 통하여 양축농가 방역지도의 기초 자료로 활용하고자 실시하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Mcferran JB, Adair BM. 2003. Group I adenovirus infection. in Diseases of poultry. 11 eds: Adenovirus Infections. Iowa State Press, Ames:213-227 

  2. Hess M. 2000. Detection and differentiation of avian adenoviruses: a review. Avian Pathol 29(3):195?206 

  3. Charlton BR, Bickford AA. 1995. Gross and histologic lesions of adenovirus group I in guinea fowl. J Vet Diagn Invest 7(4):552-554 

  4. Helmboladt. CF, Frazier MN. 1963. Avian hepatic inclusion bodies of un?known significance. Avian Dis 7(4):446-450 

  5. Philippe C, Grgic H, Nagy E. 2005. Inclusion body hepatitis in young broiler breeders associated with a serotype 2 adenovirus in Ontario, Canada. Appl Poult Res 14(3):588?593 

  6. Zaibun-Nisa Memon, Gachal GS, Yusuf M, et al. 2006. Incidence of hydropericardium syndrome disease in broilers of Hyderabad, Sindh. Int J Poult Sci 5(7):673-676 

  7. Khawaja DA, Ahmed S, Raruf M.A, et al. 1998. Isolation of an adenovirus from hydropericardium syndrome in broiler chickens. Pakistan J Vet Res 1 : 2-17 

  8. Nakamura K, Tanaka H, Mase M, et al. 2002. Pancreatic necrosis and ventricular erosion in adenovirus-associated hydropericardium syndrome of broilers. Vet Pathol 39(3):403?406 

  9. Ashraf S, Malik SA, Naeem K. 2000. Persistence and transmission pattern of avian adenovirus-4 in broiler breeders. Pakistan J Biol Sci 3(4):633-635 

  10. Shivaprasd HL, Woolcock PR, Mcfarland MD. 2001. Group I avian adeno?virus and avian adeno-associated virus in turkey poults with inclusion body hepatitis. Avian Parhol 30(6):661-666 

  11. Meulemans G, Boschmans M, Vandenberg TP, et al. 2001. Polymerase chain reaction combined with restriction enzyme analysis for detection and differentiation of fowl adenoviruses. Avian Pathol 30(6):655-660 

  12. Okuda Y, Ono M, Shibata I, et al. 2006. Comparison of the polymerase chain reaction?restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern of the fiber gene and pathogenicity of serotypefowl adenovirus isolates from gizzard erosions and from feces of clinically healthy chickens in Japan. J Vet Diagn Invest 18(2):162-167 

  13. Kataria JM, Kumar NS, Dhama K, et al. 2003. Application of polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent antibody technique for the diagnosis of inclusion body hepatitis?hydropericardium syndrome(IBH-HPS) caused by fowl adenovirus serotype-4. Indian J Comp Microbiol 24(2):137-142 

  14. Hess M, Raue R, Prusas C. 1999. Epidemiological studies on fowl adenoviruses isolated from cases of infectious hydropericardium. Avian Pathol 28(5):433-439 

  15. Guy M, Bernard C, Mireille D, et al. 2004. Phylogenetic analysis of fowl adenoviruses. Avian Pathol 33(2):164?170 

  16. Ono M, Okuda Y, Shibata I, et al. 2004. Pathogenicity by parenteral injection of fowl adenovirus isolation from gizzard erosion and resistance to reinfection in adenoviral gizzard erosion in chicken. Vet Pathol 41(5):483-489 

  17. Cao JX, Krell PJ, Nagy E. 1998. Sequence and transcriptional analysis of terminal regions of the fowl adenovirus type 8 genome. J Gen Virol 79(10):2507-2516 

  18. Ojkic D, Nagy E. 2000. The complete nucleotide sequence of fowl adenovirus type 8. J Gen Virol 81(7):1833?1837 

  19. Toro H, Gonzalez C, Cerda L, et al. 2002. Prevention of inclusion body hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome in progency chickens by vaccination of breeders with fowl adenovirus and chicken anemia virus. Avian Dis 46(3):547-554 

  20. 이영옥, 유병문, 김순복 등. 1979. 우리나라 계군의 닭 Adenovirus 감염상황. 농시보고 21:45-50 

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