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20세기 패션디자인의 건축적 패러다임 특성 고찰
An Observation on Characteristic of Architectural Paradigm in Twentieth Century Fashion Design 원문보기

服飾 = Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, v.58 no.2, 2008년, pp.78 - 92  

박신미 (시드니대학교) ,  이재정 (국민대학교 의상디자인과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The mutual relationship between fashion and architecture and the similarities in their form and structure have been continuously debated over the decades, considering that both spheres are objects used in human life. Both spheres bring about the creation of three-dimensional space structures that ar...


참고문헌 (76)

  1. F. Th. Vischer, Kritische Gnge (Stuttgart, 1861). Vernnftige Gedanken ber die jetzige Mode new series, no.3, p. 100 

  2. 자료검색일 2007. 2. 2, 자료출처 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Semper 

  3. Deborah Fausch, Paulette Singley, Rodolphe El- Khoury and Zvi Efrat (1994). Arcutecture: In Fashion, Princeton Architectural Press Inc, New York, p. 9 

  4. Walter Benjamin (1939). The Arcades Project, tr. Hoard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin: Prepared on the basis of the German Volume edition by Rolf Tledemann, 2002, Belknap Harvard 

  5. 자료검색일 2007. 2. 2, 자료출처 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alois_Riegl 

  6. M. Olin (1992). Forms of re- presentation in Alois Riegl's theory of art. University Park 

  7. Deborah Fausch, Paulette Singley, Rodolphe El-Khoury and Zvi Efrat (1994). Architecture: In Fashion. Princeton Architectural Press Inc, New York, p. 13 

  8. Deborah Fausch, Paulette Singley, Rodolphe El-Khoury and Zvi Efrat (1994). Architecture: In Fashion. Princeton Architectural Press Inc, New York, p. 7 

  9. Mark Wigley (1995). White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture. first paper- back edition 2001, MIT, Massachusetts 

  10. Edited by Helen Castle (2000). Fashion+ Archi- tecture. London, Wiley-Academy, Architectural Design, vol.70, No.6, December 2000 

  11. Bradley Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London 

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  13. 자료검색일 2007. 10. 8, 자료출처 http://www.nact.jp/english/skin_and_bones.html 

  14. Bradley Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London 

  15. 양희영, 양숙희 (2006). 1990년대 이후에 나타난 건축적 패러다임에 관한 연구. 복식, 56 (7), pp. 85-100 

  16. 박신미, 이재정 (2007). 패션과 건축의 조형적 패러다임 유사성 고찰. 한국기초조형학회, 8(4), pp. 262-277 

  17. Francois Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. 

  18. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, pp. 154-158 

  19. Manacinelli in Bauzano Gianluca Ba- uzano (2001). Roberto Capucci: Timeless creati- vity. Skira, Italy, p. 29 

  20. Bradley Quinn (2002). Techno Fashion. BERG. London, p. 39 

  21. Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London, pp. 4-109 

  22. YeohLee Teng (2003). YEOH- LEE: WORK material architecture. The image publishing group Pty Ltd, Australia, pp. 14-24 

  23. Wigley. (1995). White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture. first paper- back edition 2001, MIT, Massachusett, p. xix 

  24. Kritische. (Stuttgart, 1861). Quoted in Walter Benjamin, new series, no.3, p. 66 

  25. Martin L. Davis (1980). Visual In Dress. Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey, p. 279 

  26. Martin L. Davis (1980). Visual In Dress. Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey, p. 280 

  27. Carol Strickland (2001). The Annotated Arch-a crash in the history of architecture. Andrews Mc- Meel Publishing, Kansas, p. 37 

  28. Baudot. (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 82 

  29. Laurence Benam (2004). GRES, Assouline. New York tr. Uniontra, pp. 5-9 

  30. Fausch and et al. (1994). Architecture: In Fashion. Princeton Architectural Press Inc, New York, p. 7 

  31. Roland Barthes' SYSTEME DE LA MODE. Aust. J. Cultural Studies I: May 1983, p. 19 

  32. Wigley (1995), White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture. first paper- back edition 2001, MIT, Massachusetts p. xxiv 

  33. Wigley. (1995). White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture. first paper- back edition 2001, MIT, Massachusetts p. xiv 

  34. Chris Rodrigues and Chris Garratt (2004). Introdu- cing Modernism. Icon books, London, p. 8 

  35. Valerie Mendes & Amy de la Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye p. 36 

  36. Baudot. (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 34 

  37. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye p. p. 28 

  38. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye p. 109 

  39. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 118 

  40. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 118 

  41. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye pp. 110, 160 

  42. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye p. 180 

  43. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 154 

  44. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr p. 158 

  45. Elisabeth Langle (2005). Pierre Cardin fifty years of fashion and design. the Vendome Press, New York, p. 17 

  46. Elisabeth Langle (2005). Pierre Cardin fifty years of fashion and design. the Vendome Press, New York, pp. 138-168 

  47. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye pp. 185-186 

  48. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye pp. 188 

  49. Bauzano(2001). Roberto Capucci: Timeless creati- vity. Skira, Italy, p. p. 13 

  50. Bauzano (2001). Roberto Capucci: Timeless creati- vity. Skira, Italy, p. 20 

  51. Manacinelli in (2001). Roberto Capucci: Timeless creati- vity. Skira, Italy, p. 29 

  52. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, pp. 262-282 

  53. 김혜정 (1997). 현대 건축의 형태구성과 해체주의 패션의 특성 연구. 세종대학교대학원 박사학위 논문, p. 17 

  54. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr p. 262 

  55. James Wolcott, Marylou Luther and Pamela A. Parmal (2005). Beene by Beene Geoffrey Beene. the Vendome Press, New York, p. 1 

  56. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 341 

  57. Quinn (2002). Techno Fashion. BERG. London, p. 39 

  58. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson p. 351 

  59. Mendes and Haye (1999). 20th- Century Fashion. Thames & Hudson, London Mendes and Haye pp. 237-239 

  60. Quinn (2002). Techno Fashion. BERG. London, p. 156 

  61. Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London, pp. 34-82 

  62. Robrigues and Garratt (2004). Introducing Modernism. Icon books, London, p. 30 

  63. Richard Appignaesl and Charls Garratt with Ziauddin Sardar and Patrick Curry (2004). Introducing Postmodernism, 10th, Icon books, London, p. 4 

  64. Mark Holborn (1995). ISSEY MIYAKE. Taschen, London, p. 24 

  65. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 322 

  66. Baudot (1999). The French Mode du Sicle. Paris, ditions Assouline, tr. Jane, Brentin (1999). A Century of Fashion. London, Thames & Hudson, p. 326 

  67. Quinn (2003 Techno Fashion. BERG. London, p. 8 

  68. Louise Mitchell (2005). The Cutting Edge Fashion from Japan. Power House Museum, Sydney, p. 99. 

  69. Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, Londonp. 109 

  70. Bradley Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London p.105 

  71. Jean Michel Place (1998). Process of Transforma- tion-Lucy Orta, studio Orta, Paris, p. 84 

  72. Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London p. 155 

  73. Quinn (2003). The Fashion of Architecture. Berg, London p. 4 

  74. Susannah Frankel (2001). VISIONARLES INTER- VIEW WITH FASHION DESIGNERS, V&A pu- blication, New York, p. 68 

  75. Susannah Frankel (2001). VISIONARLES INTER- VIEW WITH FASHION DESIGNERS, V&A pu- blication, New York, p. 70 

  76. Ruth Hanisch (2006). ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!- ARCHITECTURE AND FASHION, London, Prestel Verla, p. 125 

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