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발효공정 자동제어를 위한 포도주 발효 중 포도당 농도 온라인 측정
On-line Monitoring of a Glucose Concentration on a Fermentation Process of Wine for an Automatic Control of a Fermentation Process 원문보기

바이오시스템공학 = Journal of biosystems engineering, v.33 no.4, 2008년, pp.276 - 281  

송대빈 (Division of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A flow injection analysis method (FIA), which analyzes sample conditions after injecting a sample and reagents into a continuous stream, are recognized as the most adequate analyzing method according to the increase of sampling frequency, the decrease of measuring time and the diversity of measuring...


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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 발효공정 감시용 센서 장치를 구성하고 포도주를 제조하여 포도주 발효 중 포도당 농도를 시간별로 측정하여 그 성능을 알아보고자 하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Kim, H. K. and B. S. Noh. 2002. Optimization of Sikhe processing using the obtained data by biosensor. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 34(1):65-72. (In Korean) 

  2. Kim, J. H., D. H. Rhie, T. J. Kim and B. S. Noh. 1998. Development of biosensor for simultaneous determination of glucose, lactic acid and ethanol. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 30(1):22-34. (In Korean) 

  3. Park, I. S., J. H. Kim, T. J. Kim, N. S. Kim and B. S. Noh. 1996. Simultaneous determination of glucose and ethanol of Takju by biosensor using dual cathode electrode. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 28(5):974-980. (In Korean) 

  4. Rajendran, V. and J. Irudayaraj. 2002. Detection of glucose and lactose in milk with a microdialysis-coupled flow injection amperometric sensor. J. Dairy Sci. 85:1357-1361 

  5. Rhee, J. I. 1998. On-line monitoring of glucose and acetate by flow-injection analysis in Escherichia coli fermentation process. Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 13(3):244-250. (In Korean) 

  6. Rocha, I. and E. C. Ferreira. 2002. On-line simultaneous monitoring of glucose and acetate with FIA during high cell density fermentation of recombinant E. coli. Analytica Chimica Acta. 462:293-304 

  7. Ruzicka, J. and E. H. Hansen. 1975. Flow injection analysis. Part I. A new concept of fast continuous flow analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta. 78:145 

  8. Schugerl, K., B. Hitzmann, H. jurgens, T. Kullick, R. Ulber and B. Weigal. 1996. Challenges in integrating biosensors and FIA for on-line monitoring and control. TIBTECH. 14:21-31 

  9. Song, D. B., H. S. Jung, S. K. Lee, D. H. Jung and S. W. Park. 2007. Performance evaluation of an auto sampling and filtering unit of substrate solution using a diaphragm pump. J. of Biosystems Engineering 32(4):263-268. (In Korean) 

  10. Song, D. B. and J. Irudayaraj. 2003. Measurement of glucose concentration using $\mu$ FIA biosensor J. of Biosystems Engineering. 28(5):465-468. (In Korean) 

  11. Werasak, S., W. Supinda, S. Pornpimol, T. Morakot and K. Krissanapong. 1999. Dual electrode signal-substracted biosensor for simultaneous flow injection determination of sucrose and glucose. Analytica Chimica Acta. 380:7-15 

  12. White, S. F., I. E. Tothill, J. D. Newman and A. P. F. Turner. 1996. Development of a mass-producible glucose biosensor and flow-injection analysis system suitable for on-line monitoring during fermentation. Analytica Chimica Acta. 321:165-172 


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