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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ginsenosides, one of the most well-known traditional herbal medicines, are used frequently in Korea for the treatment of cardiovascular symptoms. The effects of ginseng saponin on ischemia-induced isolated rat heart were investigated through analyses of hemodynamic changes including perfusion pressu...


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제안 방법

  • Forty eight animals were randomly divided into four groups (n=12, each group): A1, normal control group with modified KH solution with no ischemia: A2, Ginseng saponin administered group with no ischemia: A3, ischemia control group with no administration of GS: and A4, Ginseng saponin administered group with I/R injury (administration of GS before ischemia followed by reperfusion with modified KH buffer for 60 min). Ginseng saponin was added 5 min before ischemias were induced in the isolated hearts.
  • The main aims of this study were to investigate whether the administration of GS facilitated the recovery of post ischemic heart function and to determine the optimized concentration of GS that exerted the cardioprotective effect ex vivo. Moreover, in order to explore the specific molecular mechanisms, we not only examined [Ca2+]i closely associated with I/R injury.

대상 데이터

  • 1. Structures of the nine representative ginsenosides. They differ at three side chains attached the common steroid ring.


  • **Significantly different from the control group under I/R induction (p<0.01) compared to the GS treatment group (100 and 300 mg/kg) based on Student’s t-test.
  • Statistical significance was compared between the treatment and control groups by Student’s t-test.
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