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접지된 전기 송신원을 이용한 일본 북동부 만다이 산에서의 시간영역 항공 전자탐사
Grounded electrical-source airborne transient electromagnetic (GREATEM) survey of Mount Bandai, north-eastern Japan 원문보기

지구물리와 물리탐사 = Geophysics and geophysical exploration, v.12 no.1, 2009년, pp.1 - 7  

Mogi, Toru (호카이도대학 지진화산연구관측센터) ,  Kusunoki, Ken'ichirou ,  Kaieda, Hideshi ,  Ito, Hisatoshi ,  Jomori, Akira ,  Jomori, Nobuhide ,  Yuuki, Youichi (응용지질 (주))

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항공전자탐사기법은 대규모의 접근이 불가능한 지역에 대한 탐사가 가능하여 화산구조를 조사하는데 유용한 탐사기법이나, 낮은 정밀도와 제한된 가탐심도의 단점을 가지고 있다. 접지된 전기송신원을 이용한 시간영역 항공 전자탐사 (GREATEM) 시스템은 항공 시간영역 전자탐사에서 가용한 탐사심도를 높이기 위한 목적으로 개발되었으며, 일본 북동부의 반다이 산 조사에 시험 적용하였다 반다이 산은 해발 1819 m의 안산암 층운화산이다. 1888년 7월에 일어난 화산분출은 북쪽 분화구에 발굽모양의 붕피 암벽과 기반부에 붕락 쇄설암을 남겼다. 이전의 연구 결과들은 반다이 산에서 실시된 GREATEM과 다른 지구물리 기법을 통해 밝혀진 반다이 산의 구조와 붕괴 메커니즘에 대한 자료의 비교분석을 가능하게 하였다. 최근의 화구구에서는 비저항 구조가, 붕괴된 분화구 지역에서는 전도성 구조가 발견되었다. 붕괴벽 주위의 전도성 구조는 열수의 작용으로 인한 변진대와 일치하고 있으며. 이러한 견과는 1888년 발생한 분출과 관련된 붕괴의 주된 원인이 화산체 내부를 구조적으로 약화시킨 열수변질작용과 관련 있다는 주장을 뒷받침하고 있다

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Airborne electromagnetics (AEM) is a useful tool for investigating volcanic structures because it can survey large and inaccessible areas. Disadvantages include lower accuracy and limited depth of investigation. The Grounded Electrical Source Airborne Transient Electromagnetic(GREATEM)survey system ...


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문제 정의

  • (1998), has recently been improved and used in practical surveys. This paper describes the GREATEM system and discusses survey results for Mount Bandai.
  • A GREATEM survey was carried out at Mount Bandai to clarify resistivity structures relevant to ongoing volcanic activity and the collapse that occurred during the volcano’s 1888 eruption. This paper has discussed GREATEM survey techniques and their advantages with respect to volcanic research. The survey results depict the resistivity structure in the vicinity of the collapsed crater and wall and over the volcano’s summit.

가설 설정

  • GREATEM results were almost identical to those obtained by other geophysical methods such as P-wave seismic surveying, DIGHEM-type AEM, dipole–dipole resistivity surveying, and MT surveying. The resistivity structures determined by these surveys support the idea that hydrothermal alteration was an important factor in weakening the volcanic edifice, as originally proposed by Yamamoto et al. (1999).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (22)

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  3. Geographical Survey Institute, 1993, 1 : 15000 Geomorphological map of Bandai Volcano, the 1888 eruption and debris avalanche 

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  7. Ito, H., Kaieda, H., Kususnoki, K., Mogi, T., Tanaka, Y., Fujimitsu, Y., and Yuuki, Y., 2007, Development of an integrated airborne geophysical survey system using helicopter ? Improvement of airborne survey methods of electromagnetic, magnetic, gamma-ray spectrometry and infrared image: Research Report of Central Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry, N06011, 21. [in Japanese with English abstract] 

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  9. Mogi, T., Tanaka, Y., Kusunoki, K., Morikawa, T., and Jomori, A., 1998, Development of grounded electrical source airborne transient EM (GREATEM): Exploration Geophysics, 29, 61?64. doi: 10.1071/EG998061 

  10. Mohri, K., Uchiyama, T., Shen, L. P., Cai, C. M., Panina, L. V., Honkura, Y.,and Yamamoto, M., 2002, Amorphous wire and CMOS IC-based sensitive micromagnetic sensors utilizing magnetoimpedance (MI) and stress-impedance (SI) effects: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 3063?3068. doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2002.802438 

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  18. Tanahashi, M., Morikawa, T., Kusakabe, K., Yoshikawa, H., Tanaka, K., Inokuchi, T., and Takeuchi, M., 1995, Airborne Electromagnetic Investigation in the Bandai Volcano Area ? The Relation Between the 1888 Debris Avalanche and Low Resistivity Zone ?, National Research Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Ed., Bandai Volcano ? Recent Progress on Hazard Prevention, pp. 1?9. (in Japanese) 

  19. Tanaka, K., Mimura, K., Endo, H., and Inokuchi, T., 1995, Slip Surface and Boring of Catastrophic Rockslide Avalanche at Mount Bandai in 1888, National Research Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Prevention Ed., Bandai Volcano ? Recent Progress on Hazard Prevention, pp. 69?78. (in Japanese) 

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  22. Yamawaki, T., Tanaka, S., Ueki, S., Hamaguchi, H., and Nakamichi, H., et al.2004, Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure of Bandai volcano innortheastern Japan inferred from active seismic survey: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 138, 267?282. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2004.07.010 

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