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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

1. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the physical and psychological characteristics of each Sasang type groups which were classified by Sasang medicine specialist. 2. Methods: The subjects were 115 (85.2% of male) university students with $26.8\pm5.4$ yrs. of age and


참고문헌 (40)

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  10. Lee EJ, Lee JR, Kim JY, Song JM. The Study on the Biomechanical Body Segment Paramenters of Korean Adults with Reference to Sasang Constitutional Medicine. J. of Const. Med. 1998;10(1):143-160. (Korean) 

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  17. Cho HC, Cho TY, Jang G, Song YK, Lim HH. A Study on Muscle Circumference Ratio According to Sasang Constitutions. J Oriental Rehab Med. 2005;15(4):105-116. (Korean) 

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