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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

According to the historical documents and paintings in many civilizations, rocks that fell from the sky fascinated humans as the message from the God or supernaturals. Scientific progress allows humans to recognize these exciting extraterrestrial objects as meteorites. Meteorites contain a wealth of...


참고문헌 (75)

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  29. Hutchison, R. 2004, Meteorites: A petrologic, Chemical, and Isotopic Synthesis, Cambridge University 

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  31. Jacobsen, S. B. 2005, The Hf-W Isotopic System and 

  32. Jull, A. J. T., Wlotzka, F., Palme, H., & Donahue, D. J. 

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  42. Krot, A. N., Keil, K., Goodrich, C. A., Scott, E. R. 

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  71. Wilde, S. A., Valley, J. W., Peck, W. H., & Graham, 

  72. Wlotzka, F., 1993. AWeathering Scale for the Ordinary 

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  75. Yu, Y., Doh S.-J., Kim W., & Min, K. 2009, Ancient 

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