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The Diagnostic Accuracy of Endoscopic Biopsy for Gastric Dysplasia 원문보기

Journal of gastric cancer : jgc, v.10 no.4, 2010년, pp.175 - 181  

Lee, Sung-Bae (Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, CHA University) ,  Kang, Hye-Yun (Department of Pathogy, College of Medicine, CHA University) ,  Kim, Kwang-Il (Department of Pathogy, College of Medicine, CHA University) ,  Ahn, Dae-Ho (Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, CHA University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: There is controversy over the treatment for low grade dysplasia, while resection is recommended for high grade dysplasia. But the concordance of the grade of dysplasia between pre- and post-resection is low because of sampling errors with endoscopic biopsy. We attempted to establish a clear...


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제안 방법

  • Twenty three patients had early gastric cancer and 10 patients had advanced gastric cancer. After dividing them into early gastric cancer and advanced cancer, the macroscopic findings, the location of lesion, the area and the long axis were compared and analyzed. No differences were detected (Table 5).
  • In our study, the sizes of the category 3 and 4 lesions were not different, and so it is difficult to guess the category of dysplasia based on the size only prior to resection. For the comparison of the size of lesion, this was analyzed by two methods by using the area and the length of the long axis. Nonetheless, the results were not different, and so it is thought that the analysis of the size of lesion by using only the long axis is adequate.
  • In addition, the 33 patients diagnosed with invasive cancer after resection were divided in to the early gastric cancer and advanced gastric cancer groups, and the correlation of the macroscopic findings of the lesion according to the depth of invasive and the lesion’s location and size was analyzed.
  • The correlation of the grade of gastric epithelial dysplasia with the macroscopic findings of the lesion and the lesion’s location, and size was analyzed.
  • It was found that the category of dysplasia did not correlate with the macroscopic findings. The patients were divided according to the location of lesion as upper, middle and lower, and the correlation to the category of dysplasia was compared and analyzed. Similarly, the category of dysplasia did not correlate with the location of lesion (Table 2).
  • We analyzed the medical record of 126 patients who were diagnosed as category 3 or category 4 by endoscopic biopsy according to the Vienna classification of gastrointestinal epithelial neoplasia on gastrofiberscopic biopsy(4) from 1999 to 2009 at the Bundang CHA Hospital. These patients subsequently underwent polypectomy, endoscopic mucosal resection, submucosal resection or gastrectomy, including lymph node dissection, and the accuracy of the diagnosis prior to and after resection was compared after performing histological re-examination. As references, category 1 is negative for neoplasia/dysplasia, category 2 is indefinite for neoplasia/dysplasia, category 3 is non-invasive low category neoplasia (low grade adenoma/dysplasia), category 4 is non-invasive high grade neoplasia, including high grade adenoma/dysplasia, noninvasive carcinoma (carcinoma in situ) as well as a suspicion of invasive carcinoma, and category 5 is invasive neoplasia, including intramucosal carcinoma and submucosal carcinoma or beyond.

대상 데이터

  • Among the 56 cases diagnosed as category 4 by biopsy, there were 2 cases (9%) whose category was lowered to category 1 or category 2, there were 5 cases (9%) lowered to category 3 (9%), there were 20 cases (36%) that the biopsy and surgical category (category 4) were identical and there were 29 cases (52%) who were raised to category 5. Among the total 126 patients, there were 71 patients (56%) whose biopsy category concurred with the category after resection (Table 1).
  • The thirty three category 5 patients after resection were divided into early gastric cancer and advanced gastric cancer. Twenty three patients had early gastric cancer and 10 patients had advanced gastric cancer.
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참고문헌 (16)

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  2. 2 Morson BC Sobin LH Grundmann E Johansen A Nagayo T Serck-Hanssen A Precancerous conditions and epithelial dysplasia in the stomach J Clin Pathol 1980 33 711 721 7430384 

  3. 3 Ghandur-Mnaymneh L Paz J Roldan E Cassady J Dysplasia of nonmetaplastic gastric mucosa. A proposal for its classification and its possible relationship to diffuse-type gastric carcinoma Am J Surg Pathol 1988 12 96 114 3341515 

  4. 4 Schlemper RJ Riddell RH Kato Y Borchard F Cooper HS Dawsey SM The Vienna classification of gastrointestinal epithelial neoplasia Gut 2000 47 251 255 10896917 

  5. 5 Bogomoletz WV Early gastric cancer Am J Surg Pathol 1984 8 381 391 6375403 

  6. 6 You WC Blot WJ Li JY Chang YS Jin ML Kneller R Precancerous gastric lesions in a population at high risk of stomach cancer Cancer Res 1993 53 1317 1321 8443811 

  7. 7 Tosi P Filipe MI Luzi P Miracco C Santopietro R Lio R Gastric intestinal metaplasia type III cases are classified as low-category dysplasia on the basis of morphometry J Pathol 1993 169 73 78 8433217 

  8. 8 Choi JY Lee SH Therapeutic strategy and clinicopathologic analysis of gastric epithelial dysplasia J Korean Surg Soc 2004 67 192 197 

  9. 9 Farinati F Rugge M Di Mario F Valiante F Baffa R Early and advanced gastric cancer in the follow-up of moderate and severe gastric dysplasia patients. A prospective study. I.G.G.E.D.--Interdisciplinary Group on Gastric Epithelial Dysplasia Endoscopy 1993 25 261 264 8330542 

  10. 10 Bearzi I Brancorsini D Santinelli A Rezai B Mannello B Ranaldi R Gastric dysplasia: a ten-year follow-up study Pathol Res Pract 1994 190 61 68 8065990 

  11. 11 Hansson LE Lindgren A Nyrén O Can endoscopic biopsy specimens be used for reliable Laurén classification of gastric cancer? Scand J Gastroenterol 1996 31 711 715 8819223 

  12. 12 Palli D Bianchi S Cipriani F Duca P Amorosi A Avellini C Reproducibility of histologic classification of gastric cancer Br J Cancer 1991 63 765 768 2039701 

  13. 13 Kim YD Cho JY Jung IS Koh BM Hong SJ Ryu CB Comparison of endoscopic forcep biopsy and the histopathologic diagnosis after endoscopic submucosal dissection Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2009 38 188 192 

  14. 14 Hwang JY Park KS Hwang JS Ahn SH Park SK Histological comparison of endoscopic forceps biopsy with endoscopic resection in gastric mucosal elevated lesion Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2003 26 68 72 

  15. 15 Kim EY Kim JJ Kim B Park SM Treatment of gastric epithelial dysplasia that is diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy J Korean Gastric Cancer Assoc 2010 10 1 4 

  16. 16 Min JS Noh SH Kim HG Yoo CH Lee YC Therapeutic strategy for gastric epithelial dysplasia Korean J Gastroenterol 1998 32 176 183 

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