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회전기기 볼베어링의 외륜 결함 검출 기법 연구
Study on Detection Technique for Outer-race Fault of the Ball Bearing in Rotary Machinery 원문보기

한국안전학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, v.25 no.3, 2010년, pp.1 - 6  

정래혁 (충북대학교 안전공학과) ,  이병곤 (충북대학교 안전공학과) ,  이도환 (한국전력공사 전력연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ball bearings are one of main components that support the rotational shaft in high speed rotary machinery. So, it is very important to detect the incipient faults and fault growth of bearing since the damage and failure of bearing can cause a critical failures or accidents of machinery system. In th...


참고문헌 (7)

  1. G. Chaturvedi, "Adaptive Noise Cancelling and Condition Monitoring", J. of Sound and Vibration, 1981. 

  2. J. I. Taylor, "Identification of Bearing Defects by Spectral Analysis", Journal of Mechanical Design, 1980 . 

  3. P. D. McFadden, J. D. Smith, "Model for the vibration produced by a single point defects in the rolling element bearing", J. of Sound and Vibration, 1984. 

  4. Abdullah M., Al-Ghamd and David Mba, "A comparative experimental study on the use of acoustic emission and vibration analysis for bearing defect identification and estimation of defect size", ELSEVIER, 2005. 

  5. R. RUBINI, U. MENEGHETTI, "Application of the Envelope and Wavelet Transform analysis for the Diagnosis of Incipient Fault in Ball Bearing", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2000. 

  6. S. Zhang, J. Mathew, L. Ma and Y. Sun, "Best basisbased intelligent machine fault diagnosis", ELSEVIER, 2004. 

  7. Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearing Faults using Envelope analysis, SpectraQuest, 2009. 

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