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Color Image Analysis of Cosmetic Web-Site for Color Marketing 원문보기

패션비즈니스 = Fashion business, v.16 no.6, 2012년, pp.127 - 143  

Lee, Jeongman (DASAN LINC Educational Development Institute, Dankook University) ,  An, Jongsuk (Beauty Design, Venture Graduate School of Hoseo University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to derive the sensitive image analysing the color tones based on the web-sites of cosmetic brand and to know how the web-site color tones and the color tone image as visual factor for information transfer do influence the effective communication. 10 cosmetic brand web-sites are selec...


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문제 정의

  • This study aims to investigate the influence of web-site color and color image as a visual factor of information transfer on the effective communication based on the high value cosmetic brand as a new growing industry.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Liu, Yuan-Chen (2010), "A Study On Color Application of Brand BI and Web Site", Dept. of Design Graduate School of Design & IT Dongseo University, pp.18-19. 

  2. Park, Yeon Sun (2007), Color, Yerim. p.6. 

  3. TRULY DEEPLY (2010), "2009/2010 Trend Report - The visual Language of Brand", pp.140-141. 

  4. Park, Sook Hee, Jung, Hyang Jin (2010), Basic Color & Design, Taehakwon, p.112. 

  5. Kim, Ju-Hoon (2007), " A Study on the Brand Color Application Affecting Brand Image", Journal of Korean Society of Communication Design, 10, p.45. 

  6. Kim, Mee Shuk (2003), "A study on Color analysis for web design - focused on the on-line education site", Korean Journal of Communication Studies, 13, pp.78-79. 

  7. Kim, Kyung-Hwa, Na Ji-Young (2011), "Color Marketing Strategy of Milk Packaging", The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 12(1), p.198. 

  8. Kim, Shin-Ae, Choi, Ho-Gyu, Kwon, Ki-Dae (2012), "A Relational Study among Color Marketing Strategy, Brand Charisma and Customer's Brand Satisfaction - Focused on Goodtrae Co-brand", Korean Journal of Food Marketing Economics, 29(1), p.39. 

  9. Faber Biren (1993), Psychology of Color, trans, Kim, Hwa Jung, Dongkuk publishing company, pp.318-321. 

  10. Moon, Ji-Young, Kim, Ji-Yeon, Cho, Ju-Yeon, Lee, Kyu-Hye (2011), "A Study of Color Characteristics of the Websites of Sportswear Brands", The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 19(4), pp.796-798. 

  11. Kim, Hyun Jeong (2010), "Evaluation of Color Application of Homepage of Domestic and Foreign Online bookstores - Focused on the Quantitative Evaluation of Aesthetic Measure and Cross-national Comparative Analysis", Journal of Korea Design Knowledge, 10(4). 

  12. Brown, David C, Esteban Burbano, Minski (2002), "Evaluating Web Page Color and Layout Adaptation." IEEE Mutimedia, 9(1). 

  13. Bernd Schmitt, Alex Simonson (1997), "Marketing Aesthetics-The Strategy of Brands", The Free Press. 

  14. Moon, Parry Spencer, Domina Eberle (1944), "Aesthetic Measure Applied to Color Harmony", Journal of the Optical Society of America. 34(4) 

  15. W. O. Bearden, T. A. Shimp (1982), "The Use of Extrinsic Cues to Facilitate Product Adaptation," Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1). 

  16. R. W. Belk (1975), "Situation Variables in Consumer Behavior," Journal of Consumer Research, 2(12). 

  17. Igarashi Haruyoshi, Hamada Setsuo (1998), "The Effect of i.c.v. Administration of Calcitionin on Mouse Small Intestinal Transit," The Japnese Journal of pharmacology. 

  18. R. J. Kent, C. T. Allen (1994), "Competitive Inference Effects in Consumer Memory for Advertising: The Role of Brand Familiarity", Journal of Marketing, 58(1). 

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