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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ginseng, the root of Panax ginseng Meyer, has been used frequently in traditional oriental medicine and is popular globally. Ginsenosides, which are the saponins in ginseng, are the major components having pharmacological and biological activities, including anti-diabetic and anti-tumor activities. ...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • The TSKRG-induced COX-1 activity was assayed with COX-1 fluorescent assay kit. (B) Effect of TSKRG on TXAS activity in platelet microsomes. The microsomal fraction (20 µg total protein) of platelets was preincubated for 5 min at 37℃ with or without various concentrations of TSKRG.
  • However, there are no reports concerning the involvement of ginseng compounds in the inhibition of COX-1 or TXAS to suppress platelet aggregation. In this study, we investigated whether total saponin from Korean red ginseng (TSKRG) inhibits the specific activities of COX-1 and TXAS to suppress TXA2 production, and this provide new information of TSKRG-mediated anti-platelet activity.
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참고문헌 (38)

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