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A time-domain simulation of an oscillating water column with irregular waves

Ocean systems engineering, v.2 no.2, 2012년, pp.147 - 158  

Koo, Weoncheol (School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Eng., Univ. of Ulsan) ,  Kim, Moo-Hyun (Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A time-domain simulation of a land-based Oscillating Water Column (OWC) with various irregular waves as a form of PM spectrum is performed by using a two-dimensional fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT) based on the potential theory, mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian (MEL) approach, and boundary elemen...


참고문헌 (12)

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  3. Josset, C. and Clement, A.H. (2007), "A time-domain numerical simulator for oscillating water column wave power plants", Renew. Energ., 32(8), 1379-1402. 

  4. Kim, M.H. and Koo, W.C. (2005), 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tanks, Numerical Models in Fluid Structure Interaction, Ch.2, WIT Press. 

  5. Koo, W.C. and Kim, M.H. (2004), "Freely floating-body simulation by a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank", Ocean Eng., 31(16), 2011-2046. 

  6. Koo, W.C. and Kim, M.H. (2010), "Nonlinear time-domain simulation of a land-based oscillating water column", J. Waterw. Port. C. - ASCE, 136(5), 276-285. 

  7. Koo, W.C. and Kim, M.H. (2011), "A time-domain simulation of an oscillating water column with irregular waves", Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engrg. and Mech.(ASEM), Seoul, Korea. 

  8. Koo, W.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, D.H. and Hong, S.A. (2006), "Nonlinear time-domain simulation of pneumatic floating breakwater", Int. J. Offshore Polar., 16(1), 25-32. 

  9. Liu, Z., Hyun, B.S. and Hong, K.Y. (2008), "Application of numerical wave tank to OWC air chamber for wave energy conversion", Proceedings of the 18th Int. Offshore and Polar Engrg. Conf., ISOPE, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 

  10. Masuda, Y. and Miyazaki, T. (1979), "Wave power electric generation study in Japan", Proceedings of the Wave and Tidal Energy Symposium, British Hydromechanics Research Associates, Paper C. 

  11. Suzuki, M. and Arakawa, C. (2000), "Guide vanes effects of Wells turbine for wave power generator", Int. J. Offshore Polar., 10(2), 153-159. 

  12. Tanizawa, K. and Naito, S. (1997), "A study on parametric roll motions by fully nonlinear numerical wave tank", Proceedings of the 7th Int. Offshore and Polar Engrg. Conf., ISOPE, Honolulu, USA. 

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