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Gall structure and specificity in Bostrychia culture isolates (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) 원문보기

Algae, v.28 no.1, 2013년, pp.83 - 92  

West, John A. (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) ,  Pueschel, Curt M. (Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Binghamton) ,  Klochkova, Tatyana A. (Department of Biology, Kongju National University) ,  Kim, Gwang Hoon (Department of Biology, Kongju National University) ,  De Goer, Susan (11 Rue des Moguerou) ,  Zuccarello, Giuseppe C. (School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The descriptions of galls, or tumors, in red algae have been sparse. K$\ddot{u}$tzing (1865) observed possible galls of Bostrychia but only presented a drawing. Intensive culture observations of hundreds of specimens of the genus Bostrychia over many years have revealed that galls appeare...


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대상 데이터

  • Isolate 3204 female (South Africa) was collected in 1991 and had numerous galls on procarpic lateral branches from 1997-2012 (Fig. 2A & B).
  • Micrographs were taken with Olympus DP50 digital camera affixed to an Olympus BX50 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) using Viewfinder Lite and Studio Lite computer programs (Better Light Inc., Placerville, CA, USA) or with a Zeiss GFL bright field microscope (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) using a Canon G3 camera (Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and Photoshop CS4 computer program ( http://www.adobe.com/au/).


  • Algal nuclei were stained with the DNA-specific fluo- rochrome DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, SigmaAldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) using a heat fixation method.
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참고문헌 (24)

  1. Apt, K. & Gibor, A. 1989. Development and induction of bacteria-associated galls on Prionitis lanceolata (Rhodophyta). Dis. Aquat. Org. 6:151-156. 

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  3. Apt, K. E. & Gibor, A. 1991. The ultrastructure of galls on the red alga Gracilaria epihippisora. J. Phycol. 27:409-413. 

  4. Ashen, J. B., Cohen, J. D. & Goff, L. J. 1999. GC-SIM-MS detection and quantification of free indole-3-acetic acid in bacterial galls on the marine alga Prionitis lanceolata (Rhodophyta). J. Phycol. 35:493-500. 

  5. Ashen, J. B. & Goff, L. J. 1996. Molecular identification of a bacterium associated with gall formation in the marine red alga Prionitis lanceolata. J. Phycol. 32:286-297. 

  6. Ashen, J. B. & Goff, L. J. 1998. Galls on the marine red alga Prionitis lanceolata (Halymeniaceae): specific induction and subsequent development of an algal-bacterial symbiosis. Am. J. Bot. 85:1710-1721. 

  7. Ashen, J. B. & Goff, L. J. 2000. Molecular and ecological evidence for species specificity and coevolution in a group of marine algal-bacterial symbioses. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:3024-3030. 

  8. Correa, J. A., Flores, V. & Sanchez, P. 1993. Deformative disease in Iridaea laminarioides (Rhodophyta): gall develoment associated with an endophytic cyanobacterium. J. Phycol. 29:853-860. 

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  10. King, R. J. & Puttock, C. F. 1989. Morphology and taxonomy of Bostrychia and Stictosiphonia (Rhodomelaceae/Rhodophyta). Aust. Syst. Bot. 2:1-73. 

  11. Kutzing, F. T. 1865. Tabulae phycologicae. Abbildungen der Tange. Vol. 15. W. Koehne, Nordhausen, 36 pp. 

  12. McBride, D. L., Kugrens, P. & West, J. A. 1974. Light and electron microscopic observations on red algal galls. Protoplasma 79:249-264. 

  13. Pueschel, C. M. 1995. Rod-shaped virus-like particles in the endoplasmic reticulum of Audouinella saviana (Acrochaetiales, Rhodophyta). Can. J. Bot. 73:1974-1980. 

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  15. Scheffer, R. P. 1997. The nature of disease in plants. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 325 pp. 

  16. Spurr, A. R. 1969. A low-viscosity epoxy resin embedding medium for electron microscopy. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 26:31-43. 

  17. Tsekos, I. 1982. Tumour-like growths induced by bacteria in the thallus of a red alga, Gigartina teedii (Roth) Lamour. Ann. Bot. 49:123-126. 

  18. West, J. A. 2005. Long term macroalgal culture maintenance. In Andersen, R. A. (Ed.) Algal Culturing Techniques. Academic Press, New York, pp. 157-163. 

  19. West, J. A. & Zuccarello, G. C. 1999. Biogeography of sexual and asexual populations in Bostrychia moritziana (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycol. Res. 47:115-123. 

  20. Zuccarello, G. C. 2008. A fungal gall of Catenella nipae (Caulacanthaceae, Rhodophyta) and a review of Catenellocolax leeuwenii. Bot. Mar. 51:436-440. 

  21. Zuccarello, G. C. & West, J. A. 2003. Multiple cryptic species: molecular diversity and reproductive isolation in the Bostrychia radicans/B. moritziana complex (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) with focus on North American isolates. J. Phycol. 39:948-959. 

  22. Zuccarello, G. C. & West, J. A. 2006. Molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Bostrychioideae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta): subsuming Stictosiphonia and highlighting polyphyly in species of Bostrychia. Phycologia 45:24-36. 

  23. Zuccarello, G. C. & West, J. A. 2011. Insights into evolution and speciation in the red alga Bostrychia: 15 years of research. Algae 26:21-32. 

  24. Zuccarello, G. C., West, J. A., Karsten, U. & King, R. J. 1999. Molecular relationships within Bostrychia tenuissima (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycol. Res. 47:81-85. 

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