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The Effect of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Beauty Salon Franchise Stores 원문보기

패션비즈니스 = Fashion business, v.17 no.3, 2013년, pp.109 - 121  

Jeon, Hyunjin (Dept. of Beauty Art, Honam University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was set as clarifying the relative importance of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and revisit intention of beauty salon franchise stores while raising the competitiveness of beauty salon service by clarifying the causal relationship between these factors and ...


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가설 설정

  • Research Problems 2. Does the Experiential marketing factor have effect on the customer satisfaction?
  • Research Problems 4. Does the Experiential marketing factor have effect on the revisit intention by mediating customer satisfaction?
  • Research Problems 1. Does the Experiential marketing factor have effect on the revisit intention?
  • Research Problems 3. Does the customer satisfaction have effect on the revisit intention?
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (28)

  1. Park Jeonghei(2011), "The Case Study of Experience Marketing for Brand Strategy", The Society of Korea Illusart, 14(3), pp.69-76. 

  2. Shin Hyunsin, Lee Hang(2011), "The Effect of Experiential Marketing on Brand Attitude and Relationship Quality in Flagship Store", Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture, 17(2), pp.294-307. 

  3. Lee Jinyong(2003), "A Critical Review of Some Experiential Approaches in Marketing and Their Applicability", Asia Marketing Journal, 5(2), pp.19-48. 

  4. B. H. Schmitt(1999), "Experiential Marketing", Journal of Marketing Management, 15, pp.53-67. 

  5. B. H. Schmitt(2002), Experiential Marketing, London and Philadelphia. pp.25-32. 

  6. Lee Jinyong(2003), "A Critical Review of Some Experiential Approaches in Marketing and Their Applicability", Asia Marketing Journal, 5(2), pp.294-307. 

  7. Kim Woosung, Huh Eunjeong(2007), "A Study of the Core Characteristics and Contribution of Consumer Experiential Marketing", Korean Living Science Association, 16(1), pp.89-101. 

  8. Chang Daeryun(2006), "The Myths and Realities of Experiential Marketing", Asia Marketing Journal, 8(2), pp.93-99. 

  9. Lee Eunsoo, Joung Wonhee(2003), "The Effect of Service Emotional Experience of on Relational Performance in the Family Restaurant", Korean Journal of Culinary Research, 9(3), pp.197-211. 

  10. Lee Hyungjoo, Suh Jiyeon(2012), "The Effect of Experience in Coffee Shop on Brand Attitude Brand Attachment and Brand Loyalty", Journal of Food service Management Society of Korea, 15(4), pp.105-128. 

  11. Cho Ahra(2009), "Study on the Design of the Commercial Areas Applying Experience Marketing -Focalizing on the Flagship Store of A Brand-", The Graduate School of Ewha Womans University, pp.4-5. 

  12. kim Jungwoo(2009), "The research regarding the effect of In-store Experience on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention Study - Themed Sports Brand flagship store-", Graduate School of Design Kookmin University, pp.52-59. 

  13. Ahn Hyoju(2002), "A Study on the Effect of Service Quality of Japanese Restaurant on Customer's Loyalty", The Graduate School of Service Business Administration, pp.32-33. 

  14. Lee Jin, Park Hunjin, Won Cholshik(2012), "Effects of Customer's Menu Selections Considerations in Japanese Restaurant on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention": Based on Exclusive Japanese style Restaurants in Busan, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Studies, 14(3), pp.226-239. 

  15. Lee Sungsoo(2003), "Influences of Increasing of Customer-Service Provider Relationship Commitment, Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology, 4(1), pp.59-78. 

  16. Yi Youjai, Lee Cheonglim(2006), "The Effects of Customer Satisfaction on Firms Profitability and Value", Korea Marketing Review, 21(2), pp.85-113. 

  17. Cho Sunggil, Kim Haeryong, Cho Chunbong(2010), "A Study on the Physical environments affecting, the customer satisfaction, and the business results of resort hotels", Korea Hotel Resort Association, 9(1), pp.43-58. 

  18. Jeong Heeyoung(2012), "An Effect of Beauty Shop's Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth Communication - Focused on Female College Students in Daegu ? Gyeonbguk Areas -", Journal of the korean society of cosmetology, 18(2), pp.446-451. 

  19. Son Eunjung, Choi Jeonggil, Hwang Soonae, Li Hongbin(2011), "A Study on the Reward Programs for Unsatisfied Hotel Guests and Its Impact on Service Satisfaction, Trust, and Revisiting Intentions", Korean Academic Society of Hotel Administration, 20(2), pp.137-155. 

  20. Lee Jongeun(2007), "A Study on the Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention in the Coffee Service Industry", Graduate School of Hanyang University, pp.52-53. 

  21. M. J. Bitner(1992), "Service scapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees", Journal of Marketing, 56(2), pp.57-71. 

  22. Yi Youjae, Kim Woochul(1998), "The Influence of Physical Environment on Service Quality Perception: A Comparative Study", Korea Marketing Review, 13(1), pp.61-86. 

  23. Jin Yongmi(2010), "The Actual Uses of Barbershops or Beauty Salons and the Influence of the Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty", The Graduate School of Seokyeong University, pp.43-46. 

  24. Choi Byungsook, Kim Hyeran, Im Eunjin(2011), "An Effect of Beauty Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Intention for Revisit", Journal of the korean society of cosmetology, 17(2), pp.279-285. 

  25. Huh Jooyeun(2006), "The Impacts of In-Store Experience on the Emotional Reaction, Store Attitude, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Customers", Graduate School of Ewha Womans University, pp.58-59. 

  26. Chung Suyeon(2007), "The effect of experiential marketing on brand attitude and brand loyalty in family restaurants", Graduate School of Ewha Womans University, pp. 73-74. 

  27. Hwang Jinsook, Lee Jeongmin(2011), "The Effect which Cosmetic Brand Shop Experience Marketing Makes on Brand Satisfaction, Attachment and Loyalty", Journal of the korean society of cosmetology, 17(6), pp.1086-1096. 

  28. Lee Jinyong(2003), "A Critical Review of Some Experiential Approaches in Marketing and Their Applicability", Asia Marketing Journal, 5(2), pp.294-307. 

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