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사파중 진동수주형 파력발전장치의 성능평가
Performance of Oscillating Water Column type Wave Energy Converter in Oblique Waves 원문보기

한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, v.17 no.3, 2014년, pp.182 - 188  

김길원 (한국해양과학기술원 부설 선박해양플랜트연구소) ,  현범수 (한국해양대학교 조선해양시스템공학부) ,  홍기용 (한국해양과학기술원 부설 선박해양플랜트연구소) ,  류진 (중국해양대학교 공과대학)

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진동수주형 파력발전시스템의 성능은 OWC챔버의 형상 뿐만 아니라 입사파의 각도와 터빈의 효과로 인한 압력강하등과 같은 작동환경의 영향도 받는다. 기존의 대부분 연구들은 파랑에너지 흡수효율에 초점을 맞췄기 때문에 입사파 방향이 OWC챔버 입구면과 직각을 이룬다는 가정 하에 수행되었다. 하지만 실해역에서는 입사파가 해양환경에 따라 사파의 형태로 입사하게 될 것이고, 고정식 구조물인 경우에는 그 영향이 더욱 지배적이다. 본 논문은 실험 및 수치해석적인 방법으로 사파중 OWC챔버의 성능에 대하여 고찰하였다. 실험은 3차원 조파수조를 이용하여 다양한 입사파 각도조건에서 수행하였다. 터빈의 영향을 고려하기 위하여 오리피스를 적용하여 챔버내 진동수주의 수위 변동을 계측하였다. VOF모델을 기반으로 한 수치조파수조를 구축하여 실험과 동일한 조건으로 계산을 수행하여 실험결과와 비교분석하여 공기실과 그 인근의 유동변화를 고찰하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In an oscillating water column (OWC)-type wave energy conversion system, the performance of the OWC chamber depends on the chamber shape, as well as the incident wave direction and pressure drop produced by the turbine. Although the previous studies on OWC chambers have focused on wave absorbing per...


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문제 정의

  • In this study, It is now interested to investigate the effect of the width-length ratio. Fig.
  • As the angle of the incident waves decreased, an inequitable pressure contour was found, especially at 0°. This may be evident that highly complex motions such as sloshing phenomenon and various wave interactions each other occurred inside a chamber because of the presence of the side walls, dominant reason of high 3-D effects in the range of studies in this paper.
  • This paper deals with the effects of wave direction on the performance of a fixed OWC-type wave energy converter. Experimental and numerical investigations were carried out on wave energy absorption at various wave directions.

가설 설정

  • The oscillating water column (OWC) device has been widely employed in wave energy conversion. An OWC wave energy converting system includes three energy converting stages: 1) the OWC inside a chamber forces air alternately into and out of the atmosphere through the duct. 2) a turbine with symmetric blades transforms the bi-directional air flow energy into a torque.
  • 2) a turbine with symmetric blades transforms the bi-directional air flow energy into a torque. 3) an electricity generator linked to the turbine transforms the torque into electrical power. This third stage is not considered in the present study.
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참고문헌 (12)

  1. Wang, D.J. and Mahmoud, K., 2002, "Analysis of shoreline OWC type wave energy converters", Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, Vol.1, pp. 8-15. 

  2. Hong, K.Y., Shin, S.H., Hong, D.C., Choi, H.S. and Hong, S.W., 2007, "Effects of shape parameters of OWC chamber in wave energy absorption", Proc. 17th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng Conf., Lisbon, Portugal, Vol.1, pp. 428-433. 

  3. Marjani A., Castro Ruiz F., Rodriguez M.A. and Parra Santos M.T., 2008, "Numerical modelling in wave energy conversion systems", Energy, Vol.33, pp. 1246-1253. 

  4. Setoguchi, T., Santhakumar, S., Maeda, H., Takao, M., and Kaneko, K., 2001, "A review of impulse turbine for wave energy conversion", Renewable Energy, Vol.23, No.2, pp. 261-282. 

  5. Takao, M., Setoguchi, T., Kinoue, Y. and Kaneko, K., 2007, "Wells turbine with end plates for wave energy conversion", Ocean Engineering, Vol.34, pp. 1790-1795. 

  6. Thakker, A. and Abdulhadi, R., 2008, "The performance of Wells turbin under bi-directional airflow", Renewable Energy, Vol.33, pp. 2467-2475. 

  7. Jayashankar, V., Anand, S. and Geetha, T., 2009, "A twin unidirectional impulse turbine topology for OWC based wave energy plants", Renewable Energy, Vol.34, pp. 692-698. 

  8. Liu, Z., Hyun B.S. and Jin J.Y., 2007, "The application of FBNWT in wave overtopping analysis", Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Vol.22, No.1, pp. 1-5. 

  9. Liu, Z., Hyun B.S. and Hong, K.Y., 2008, "Application of numerical wave tank to OWC air chamber for wave energy conversion", Proc. 18th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng Conf., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Vol.1, pp. 350-356. 

  10. Liu, Z., Hyun B.S., Hong, K.Y. and Lee, Y.Y., 2009, "Investigation on integrated system of chamber and turbine for OWC wave energy convertor", Proc. 19th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., Osaka, Japan, Vol.1, pp. 276-282. 

  11. Liu, Z., Hyun B.S., Jin J. Y., and Hong, K.Y., 2011, "Practical evaluation method on the performance of pilot OWC system in Korea", Proc. 21th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng Conf., Maui, Hawai, USA, Vol.1, pp. 644-649. 

  12. Jin, J., Liu, Z., Hyun, B. and Hong, K., 2012, "Effects of wave direction on performance of oscillating water column type wave energy convertor", Proc. 22th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng Conf., Rhodes, Greece, Vol.1, pp. 582-587. 

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