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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is undergoing dramatic changes. Nowadays, much more satellites are transmitting navigation data at more frequencies. A multi-GNSS analysis is performed to improve the positioning accuracy by processing combined observations from different GNSS. The multi...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, GPS L1 C/A (Coarse/Acquisition) code, GLONASS L1 code, BeiDou B1 code, and QZSS L1 code were used to process the GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and QZSS observations. Eq.


  • The position errors depending on time were presented as the east, north, and up direction components. The absolute position for the position error was obtained based on the static precise point positioning (PPP) method using the GNSS software developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute. As shown in Fig.
  • To estimate the position, receiver clock error, and the intersystem bias, the weighted least squares method was employed as Eq. (3) (Tarrío et al.
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참고문헌 (15)

  1. BeiDou ICD 2013, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Signal in Space, Open Service Signal (Version 2.0), China Satellite Navigation Office, http://www2.unb.ca/gge/Resources/beidou_icd_english_ver2.0.pdf 

  2. Cai, C. & Gao, Y. 2007, Precise Point Positioning Using Combined GPS and GLONASS Observations, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 6, 13-22. 

  3. Cai, C., Pan, L., & Gao, Y. 2014, A Precise Weighting Approach with Application to Combined L1/B1 GPS/BeiDou Positioning, Journal of Navigation, 67, 911-925, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0373463314000320 

  4. Choi, B., Roh, K., & Lee, S. 2013, Analysis of the Combined Positioning Accuracy using GPS and GLONASS Navigation Satellites, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 2, 131-137, http://dx.doi.org/10.11003/JKGS.2013.2.2.131 

  5. GLONASS ICD 2008, Navigational radiosignal In bands L1, L2 (Edition 5.1) (MOSCOW: Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering), https://www.unavco.org/help/glossary/docs/ICD_GLONASS_5.1_(2008)_en.pdf 

  6. He, H., Li, J., Yang, Y., Xu, J., Guo, H., et al. 2013, Performance assessment of single- and dual-frequency BeiDou/GPS single-epoch kinematic positioning, GPS Solutions, 18, 393-403, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10291-013-0339-3 

  7. IS-QZSS 2014, Qusai-Zenith Satellite System Navigation Service (Ver. 1.6), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, http://http://qz-vision.jaxa.jp/USE/is-qzss/DOCS/IS-QZSS_16_E.pdf 

  8. Li, X., Zhang, X., & Guo, F. 2009, Study on Precise Point Positioning Based on Combined GPS and GLONASS Proceedings of the 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2009) Savannah, GA, September 2009, 2449-2459. 

  9. Li, X., Zhang, X., Ren, X., Fritsche, M., Wickert, J., et al. 2015, Precise positioning with current multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou, Scientific Reports, 5, 8328, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep08328 

  10. Santerre, R., Pan, L., Cai, C., & Zhu, J. 2014, Single Point Positioning Using GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou Satellites, Positioning, 5, 107-114, http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/pos.2014.54013 

  11. Schaer, S. 2012, Results from IGS Workshop on GNSS Biases, 18-19 January 2012 in Bern, IGS Workship, Poland 

  12. Tarrío, P., Bernardos, A. M., & Casar, J. R. 2011, Weighted Least Squares Techniques for Improved Received Signal Strength Based Localization, Sensors, 11, 8569-8592, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s110908569 

  13. Tegedor, J., Ovstedal, O., & Vigen, E. 2014, Precise orbit determination and point positioning using GPS, Glonass, Galileo and BeiDou, J. Geod. Sci, 4, 65-73, http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/jogs-2014-0008 

  14. Tolman, B. W., Kerkhoff, A., Rainwater, D., Munton, D., & Bank, J. 2010, Absolute Precise Kinematic Positioning with GPS and GLONASS, ION GNSS 2010, Portland, Oregon, pp.2565-2576 

  15. Wang, F., Chen, X. & Guo, F. 2015, GPS/GLONASS Combined Precise Point Positioning with Receiver Clock Modeling, Sensors, 15, 15478-15493, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s150715478 

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