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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Panax ginseng breeding line 'G07006', showing higher salt tolerance, was confirmed by de novo assembly using whole genome next-generation sequences. The complete chloroplast (CP) genome size is 156,356 bp, including two inverted repeats (IRs) of 52,060 bp,...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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문제 정의

  • (2015) analyzed the CpDNA sequence of nine varieties of ginseng and developed SNP- and indel-based DNA markers that can differentiate between the Chunpoong and Sunhyang varieties. Thus, this study was conducted to develop DNA markers capable of determining distinctness and homogeneity among the salt-resistant varieties of ginseng. For this, the full CpDNA sequence of ‘G07006’, a salt-resistant line, was analyzed using NGS and compared with the recently released CpDNA sequences of nine ginseng varieties (Chunpoong, Yunpoong, Gopoong, Gumpoong, Sunpoong, Sunun, Sunone, Cheongsun and Sunhyang).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Bang KH, Kim YC, Lim JY, Kim JU, Lee JW, Kim DH, Kim KH, Jo IH (2015) Internal transcribed spacer barcoding DNA region coupled with high resolution melting Analysis for authentication of Panax Species. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 23:439-445 

  2. Cho JW, Kim CS (2004) Photosynthetic response of Korean ginseng under saline condition. Korean Journal of Crop Science. 49:100-104 

  3. Jansen RK, Raubeson LA, Boore JL, DePamphilis CW, Chumley TW, Haberle RC, Wyman SK, Alverson AJ, Peery R, Herman SJ, Fourcade HM, Kuehl JV, McNeal JR, Leebens-Mack J, Cui L (2005) Methods for obtaining and analyzing chloroplast genome sequences. Methods in Enzymology. 395:348-384 

  4. Jin HO, Kim UJ, Yang DC (2009). Effect of nutritional environment in ginseng field on the plant growth of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). Journal of Ginseng Research. 33:234-239 

  5. Jo IH, Kim YC, Kim JU, Lee SH, Lim JY, Moon JY, Noh BS, Hyun DY, Kim DH, Kim KH, Bang KH (2014) A rapid identification of Korean ginseng cultivar, Cheonryang, using specific DNA markers. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 22:429-434 

  6. Jo IH, Lee SH, Kim YC, Kim DH, Kim HS, Kim KH, Chung JW, Bang KH (2015) De novo transcriptome assembly and the identification of gene-associated single-nucleotide polymorphism markers in Asian and American ginseng roots. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 290:1055-1065 

  7. Kim JU, Hyun DY, Kim YC, Lee JW, Jo IH, Kim DH, Kim KH, Sohn JK (2015) Effects of salt in soil condition on chlorophyll fluorescence and physiological disorder in Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 23:446-453 

  8. Kim K, Lee SC, Lee J, Lee HO, Joh HJ, Kim N.H, Park HS, Yang TJ (2015) Comprehensive survey of genetic diversity in chloroplast genomes and 45S nrDNAs within Panax ginseng species. PLoS One. 10: e0117159 

  9. Kim KJ, Lee HL (2004) Complete chloroplast genome sequences from Korean ginseng (Panax schinseng Nees) and comparative analysis of sequence evolution among 17 vascular plants. DNA research. 11:247-261 

  10. Kim ST, Bae DW, Lee KH, Hwang JE, Bang KH, Kim YC, Kim OT, Yoo NH, Kang KY, Hyun DY, Lim CO (2008) Proteomic analysis of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) following exposure to salt stress. Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 35:185-193 

  11. Kim SW, Min CW, Gupta R, Jo IH, Bang KH, Kim YC, Kim KH, Kim ST (2014) Proteomics analysis of early salt-responsive proteins in Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) leaves. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 22:398-404 

  12. Kress WJ, Wurdack KJ, Zimmer EA, Weigt LA, Janzen DH (2005) Use of DNA barcodes to identify flowering plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102:8369-8374 

  13. McPherson H, van der Merwe M, Delaney SK, Edwards MA, Henry RJ, McIntosh E, Rymer PD, Milner ML, Siow J and Rossetto M (2013) Capturing chloroplast variation for molecular ecology studies: a simple next generation sequencing approach applied to a rainforest tree. BMC ecology. 13:8 

  14. Nock CJ, Waters DL, Edwards MA, Bowen SG, Rice N, Cordeiro GM, Henry RJ (2011) Chloroplast genome sequences from total DNA for plant identification. Plant biotechnology journal. 9:328-333 

  15. Palmer JD (1985) Comparative organization of chloroplast genomes. Annual Review of Genetics. 19:325-354 

  16. Straub SC, Parks M, Weitemier K, Fishbein M, Cronn RC, Liston A (2012) Navigating the tip of the genomic iceberg: Nextgeneration sequencing for plant systematics. American Journal of Botany. 99:349-364 

  17. Wang RJ, Cheng CL, Chang CC, Wu CL, Su TM, Chaw SM (2008) Dynamics and evolution of the inverted repeat-large single copy junctions in the chloroplast genomes of monocots. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8:36 

  18. Yamada K, Shinozaki K, Sugiura M (1986) DNA sequences of tobacco chloroplast genes for tRNASer (GGA), tRNAThr (UGU), tRNALeu (UAA), tRNAPhe (GAA): the tRNALeu gene contains a 503 bp intron. Plant molecular biology. 6:193-199 

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