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뽕잎분말을 첨가한 당면의 관능적 특성 평가를 위한 묘사분석
Descriptive Analysis for Evaluation the Sensory Attribute of Dangmyon(starch vermicelli) Added with Mulberry Leaves Powder

한국생활과학회지 = Korean journal of human ecology, v.25 no.4, 2016년, pp.463 - 474  

전서영 (전북대학교 식품영양학과) ,  노정옥 (전북대학교 식품영양학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory attributes of Dangmyon(starch vermicelli) prepared with mulberry leaves powder. Mulberry leaves powder was added in ratios (w/w) of 0% (CON), 0.5% (MD1), 1.0% (MD2), 1.5% (MD3). and 2.0% (MD4), and descriptive analysis and sensory evaluations o...


참고문헌 (25)

  1. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition Chae 32 1 15 2003 Analysis of functional components of leaves of different mulberry cultivars 

  2. Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety Cheon 27 4 420 2012 Microbial hazard analysis of manufacturing processes for starch noodle 

  3. Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life Choi 17 5 703 2007 The quality characteristics of sponge cake containing a functional and natural product (1. mulberry leaf powder) 

  4. Food Engineering Progress Han 9 4 276 2005 Optimization for manufacturing soybean curd adding mulberry leaf powder and extract 

  5. Korean Journal of Human Ecology Jeon 24 3 437 2015 A study on quality characteristics of Dangmyon(starch vermicelli) added with mulberry leaves powder 

  6. Korean Journal of Human Ecology Jeon 24 5 713 2015 A study on the physicochemical activities of Dangmyon(starch vermicelli) added with mulberry leaves powder 

  7. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition Jung 40 2 283 2011 Preference for Korean food and satisfaction of dormitory foodservice by Chinese students studying at Mokpo national university 

  8. Journal of Korean Society of Food & Cookery Science Kim 16 4 311 2000 Mineral contents and properties of pongihp julpyun preparation by adding mulberry leaves powder 

  9. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry Kim 53 1 56 2010 Preparation of mulberry leaves tea and its quality characteristics 

  10. Method of sensory evaluation and practice Kim 2010 

  11. Journal of Basic Science Kim 20 183 2004 Effect of grapefruit seed extract treatment on microbial growth of starch vermicelli during storage 

  12. Korean Journal of Food Cookery Science Kim 18 6 632 2002 Effects of mulberry leaves powder on the cooking characteristics of noodle 

  13. Journal of Korean Food Science and Technology Kim 42 6 705 2010 Effects of mulberry leaf powder on physicochemical properties of bread dough 

  14. Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2011 International Symposium and Annual Meeting Lee 291 2011 Antioxidative activity of dangmyon prepared with purple sweet potato 

  15. Korean Journal of Culinary Research Lee 9 4 81 2003 Application of HACCP for hygiene control to jabchae in team foodservice facility 

  16. Bioindustry Lee 13 1 36 2000 Mechanical properties and industrial production and characteristic the molecular structure of the cyclodextrin 

  17. Journal of Human Ecology Lee 23 2 163 2014 Quality characteristics of Kimchi with mulberry leaves enzyme liquid and its acceptability by middle school students 

  18. Journal of East Asian Society Dietary Life Lee 24 6 827 2014 A study on quality characteristics of Kimchi with added mulberry leaves extracts 

  19. Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life Nam 14 4 379 2004 Effects of mulberry leaf on the quality of jeung-pyun(Korean fermented rice cake) 

  20. Journal of Korean Society of Food & Cookery Science Park 23 5 601 2007 The quality characteristics of cream soup prepared with mulberry leaf powder 

  21. Textural and cooking properties of the starch noodle to using rice flour or rice starch Seo 2008 

  22. Korean Journal of Food & Nutrition Shin 20 1 53 2007 A study on the quality characteristics of Kimchi with mulberry leaf powder 

  23. Korean Journal of Culinary Research Song 16 4 286 2010 A study on the optimization of rice pasta with addition of mulberry leaf powder 

  24. Journal of Korean Food Science and Technology Yook 33 1 60 2001 Production of starch vermicelli (dangmyun) by using modified corn starches (Ⅰ) - Physicochemical properties of domestic and foreign starch vermicelli (Dangmyun) 

  25. Journal of Food Science and Technology Yook 33 3 313 2001 Production of starch vermicelli (dangmyun) by using modified corn starches (Ⅱ) - Physicochemical properties of starch vermicelli (Dangmyun) made with different starches in laboratory 

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