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형방도적산가미방(荊防導赤散加味方) 투여로 치료한 소양인 결흉증(少陽人 結胸證)으로 변증된 간기능 수치 이상 소견을 보인 환자 증례 보고 3례
Three Cases of Patients Who Showed Abnormal Liver Function Values in Soyangin Gyolhyungjeung Treated with Hyeongbangdojeok-san-gami 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.37 no.2, 2016년, pp.166 - 175  

손경우 (삼세한방병원 한방내과) ,  박수아 (삼세한방병원 한방침구의학과) ,  이흔주 (삼세한방병원 한방침구의학과) ,  백지영 (삼세한방병원 한방침구의학과) ,  남우진 (삼세한방병원 한방내과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: This case study reports on improvements after treating patients who had abnormal liver function values in Soyangin gyolhyungjeung with Soyangin hyeongbangdojeok-san-gami.Methods: The study was carried out with three patients who showed abnormal liver function values in Soyangin gyolhyung...


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문제 정의

  • 본 증례에서는 간 기능 검사에서 이상 수치를 보인 환자를 少陽人 脾受寒表寒病 結胸證으로 변증하여 荊防導赤散加味方을 투여하여 주소증에 대한 개선뿐 아니라 간 기능 검사상 양호한 호전 결과를 얻은 3례를 보고하는 바이다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Seo JI. Toxicity and drug induced liver injuty-pathogenesis-. Korean J Hepatol 2004;10(1):30-45. 

  2. Lee YK, Shin YJ, Cho DH, Shin OC, Kang SP, Park CS. Clinical Report about the Efficacy of Herbal Medicine in Comparison with Western Medication Mixed for an Acute Liver Injured CVA Patient. Korean J Oriental Physiology & Pathology 2008;22(2):502-6. 

  3. Rhee SH, Park JS, Yeo HS, Choi YK, Jun CY, Park CH, et al. Relationship between Herb-Medicine and Liver damage. Korean J Orient Int Med 2006;27(3):573-80. 

  4. Han CW, Kim SY, Min KS, Lee JH, Lee SH, Youn YS. Incidence of Liver Function Test Abnormality among Patients Hospitalized in an Oriental Hospital. J Korean Oriental Med 2010;31(2):109-13. 

  5. Choi HS, Jeong T. One Case of Drug-Induced Liver Injury Treated with Saengganggeonbi-tang. Korean J Orient Int Med 2004;25(4):207-11. 

  6. Kim S, Kim M, Eom K, Yang S, Yoon I, Park H, et al. Five Case of Patients Showed Abnomal Liver Function Values in Damp Heat-pattern Treated with Injinoryung-San. J Korean Oriental Med 2012;spr(1):128-36. 

  7. Kim JB, Sohn JH, Lee HL, Kim JP, Han DS, Hahm JS, et al. Clinical Characteristics of Acute Toxic Liver Injury. Korean J Hepatol 2004;10(2):125-34. 

  8. Yoo TW, Kim BI, Kim JB, Kim DJ, Kim JW, Baik SK, et al. The Survey for the Actual Condition of Drug Medication and Development of Health Care Cost Associated with Toxic Liver Injury in Korean; A Multicenter Study for the Detection and the Development of Nationwide Reporting System of Toxic Liver Injury. Korean J Hepatol 2007;13(1):34-43. 

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  12. Cho HS, Kim JC, Lee HY, Park JH, Lee JJ, Lee YK, et al. A Case report of ascites in Liver cirrhosis treated with Taeumjowetang-gamibang. Korean J Orient Int Med 2004;25(3):625-32. 

  13. Cho HS, Han DY, Park JH, Lee JY, Kim JC, Song CH, et al. A Case Report of Jaundice in Liver Cirrhosis with Sipymiguanjung-tang gamibang. J of Sasang Constitut Med 2005;17(3):135-41. 

  14. Goo DM. A Clinical Study on Liver Disease Sequelae in Soyangin Treated by Sasang Constitutional Treatment. Korea J Herbology 2010;25(4):171-7. 

  15. Ham TI, Hwang MW, Kim SB, Lee SK, Song IB, Koh BH. A study on the Change of Conception about Soeumin Hwangdal(jaundice, 黃疸) between Dongyi Soose Bowon ‘GaboBon’ and ‘SinchukBon’. J of Sasang Constitut Med 2005;17(2):85-91. 

  16. Shin SW, Lee EJ, Koh BH, Lee JH. Study on the Development of Diagnosis Algorithm of Soyangin Symptomatology. J of Sasang Constitul Med 2011;23(3):294-303. 

  17. Hwang MW, Koh BH. The Study on the Pathology of Soyangin in Sasang Constitutional Medicine. J of Sasang Constitul Med 2009;21(3):1-16. 

  18. Kim YH, Hwang MW. A Study on the Soyangin Pathologies that orginate from a Common Root Pathologic Category. J of Sasang Constitul Med 2011;23(3):285-93. 

  19. Lee MS, Hwang MW, Kim YH. A Case Study of a Soyangin Patient with Crohn’s Diseases who Reported Symptomatic Improvement after Being Treated with Dojeokgangki-tang. J of Sasang Constitul Med 2012;24(2):61-70. 

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