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추나치료를 병행한 임신초기 급성요통 한의 치험 1례
A Clinical Study of Acute Low Back Pain treated by Chuna & General Oriental Therapy during Pregnancy 원문보기

大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 = The Journal of Korean obstetrics & gynecology, v.29 no.3, 2016년, pp.110 - 120  

이은희 (우석대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: The object of this study is to report a clinical effect of oriental medical treatments with Chuna for acute low back pain during the early stages of pregnancy.Methods: The patient in this case, 31 years-old female was admitted for 1days (20th/June/2016-30th/June/2016) due to the acute lo...


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  • 이에 저자는 임신 7주 여성이 좌측 요협부의 극심한 통증으로 119구급차를 통해 본원 응급실로 내원, 11일간의 부인과 입원기간 동안 추나치료를 병행한 한의 진료 후 호전되었기에 감별진단 및 치료과정을 보고하고자 한다.
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참고문헌 (20)

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  16. Son DY, et al. Comparison of Depletion and Cupping Therapy with Cupping Therapy on Acute Lumbosacral Strain Patients. Journal of oriental rehabilitation medicine. 2003;13(4):53-61. 

  17. Fast A, et al. Low Back Pain in Pregnancy. Spine. 1987;12;368-71. 

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  19. The Korean Academy Of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine. Korea Rehabilitation Medicine. 3rd. Seoul:Gunja. 2011:290. 

  20. Kim YH. Cheongganguigam(晴崗醫鑑). Seoul:Seongbosa. 2001:412. 

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