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거점면단위 마을종합개발사업 특성 사례분석 - 농촌 공공공간 및 시설을 중심으로 -
The Analysis of The Project Characteristics on a Comprehensive Village Development - A Case of The Rural Public Spaces and Facilities - 원문보기

농촌계획 : 韓國農村計劃學會誌, v.22 no.3, 2016년, pp.33 - 47  

도지윤 (경희대학교 일반대학원 환경조경학과) ,  서주환 (경희대학교 환경조경디자인학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to understand the master plan of "The project on a comprehensive village development with a unit of a based township" through the master plan analysis and to help understand the implications of this project in order to maintain rural villages that can make local resident...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Development Institute, 2014, Analysis on the Promotion and maintenance business outcome and future progressing strategy of the Rural Village :14-15. 

  2. Choi, Y. W., Park, H. Y., Kim, Y. J., 2013, An Estimation of the Standard Cost of Project Management of Empowerment Sector in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 19(3). 

  3. Kim, C. S. and Yu, J. E., 2009, A Study on the Improvement of the Rural Landscape Planning in Rural Village Development Projects, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 15(3). 

  4. Kim, D. S. and Lee, S. H., 2011, Characteristics Analysis on Budget Distribution of Master Plan for Comprehensive Development Projects of Rural Villages, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 17(1). 

  5. Kim, K. R., Choi, Y. S., Hong, S. K., 2006, Development of An Interim Evaluation System for Integrated Rural Village Cluster Development Project, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 12(2). 

  6. Kim, T. G. and Lee, S. K., 2014, A Study on Affecting Factor-Construction of Collaborative Planning Process and Effect on Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 20(2). 

  7. Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation, 2006, Basic Plan of Stronghold Village's Comprehe nsive Development. (Dangwoo, Hyunae, Hansan, Okgwa, Jingyo zones) 

  8. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - 2005, Performance analysis and future development plans of the residence development : i. - 2006, Rural Village Development Projects project :3-4. 

  9. Park, H. S., Hwang, G. S., Kim, Y. T., 2008, Contents Analysis on the Rural Village Development Projects, Journal of Korea Society of Rural Planning, 14(4):121. 

  10. Park, S. H., Park, J. Y., Sung, J. I., 2003, The Study on the Institutionalization of Taking Lodgings at Rural Private Houses, Rural tourism research Society, 10(1). 

  11. Park, S. J., 2013, A Study on the Problems and Improvement at the Operation and Managemnet Phase of the Comprehensive Rural Villige Development Projects : In Case of 5 CRVDPs in Jeonnam Provice, Department of Regional Development Graduate scaool Chonnam National University :1. 

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