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Effect of Dietary sugar beet pulp supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal Microflora, blood profiles and Diarrhea incidence in weaning pigs 원문보기

Journal of animal science and technology : JAST, v.59 no.8, 2017년, pp.18.1 - 18.8  

Yan, C.L. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Kim, H.S. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Hong, J.S. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Lee, J.H. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Han, Y.G. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University) ,  Jin, Y.H. (Department of Agricultural College of Yanbian University) ,  Son, S.W. (PuKyung Pig Farmers Agricultural Cooperative) ,  Ha, S.H. (PuKyung Pig Farmers Agricultural Cooperative) ,  Kim, Y.Y. (Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Animal Life Sciences, Seoul National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: In 2006, the European Union (EU) has decided to forbid use of antibiotics as growth promoters. Although many researches had been conducted about fiber source as alternatives of antibiotics, there are still lack of reports in the literature about the optimum level of sugar beet pulp suppl...


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제안 방법

  • SSW and HSH were were participated in the feeding trial and discussed the results. KYY conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
  • However, there are still lack of reports in the literature about the optimum level of sugar beet pulp supplementation, affecting growth performance and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs. Therefore, present study was conducted to determine the effects of sugar beet pulp supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, blood profile and incidence of diarrhea in weaning pigs.
  • Experimental pigs were grouped into a randomized complete block (RCB) design in 4 replicates with 10 pigs per pen. Treatments consisted of 4 different levels of sugar beet pulp (3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0%) and one positive control (PC) treatment. Present study was conducted with corn-SBM-barley based diet and two-phase feeding program was used.

대상 데이터

  • According to a completely randomized design (CRD), fifteen weaning pigs (14.42 ± 0.45 kg) were allotted to 5 treatment with 3 replicates.


  • 10 [15]). Experimental data were analyzed as a randomized complete block (RCB) design using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS. In the growth performance data, a pen was considered an experimental unit, while an individual pig was used as the data unit for data on nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, blood profile, and incidence of diarrhea.
  • The nitrogen content of feces and urine was analyzed by using the Kjeldahl procedure with Kjeltec (KjeltecTM 2200, Foss Tecator, Sweden) and calculating the CP content (Nitrogen × 6.25; procedure 981.10 [15]).
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