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A Space Analysis for Comprehending the Characteristics of Eco-Friendly Exterior Space at Elementary Schools - Focusing on Foreign Cases - 원문보기

KIEAE journal = 한국생태환경건축학회논문집, v.17 no.5, 2017년, pp.15 - 23  

Sung, Lee-Yong (Division of Architecture, Mokwon Univ.) ,  Jeong, Hee-Woong (Dept. of Architectural Design, Dongseo Univ.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to suggest a proper plan about the exterior space of elementary school in Korea through analyzing the various factors of the exterior spaces in foreign elementary school case. because the foreign cases have diversified eco-friendly certification standards on the...


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제안 방법

  • As the study methods, first, the recent trend of studies on eco-friendly spaces of elementary schools which are being conducted through the reviews of the relevant literature and the features of the exterior spaces of elementary schools are examined. And the items of the Korean Eco-friendly Environment Certification Examination Criteria to be used as the analysis frame are reviewed and the types of the exterior spaces are classified.
  • Based on the eco-friendly environment plan, this school generates solar energy, uses LED apparatus and uses heavy water in order to create energy by using nature. In addition, owing to the recognition of the sustainable solutions of some problems, the building was planned in order for the surrounding environment to be harmonized with the landscape.
  • In order to select some cases becoming the targets of this Study, the spacial scope is suggested focusing on the elementary school cases in foreign countries except for the Korean elementary schools and the time scope is suggested after collecting 8 foreign cases which were completed until now after 2000.
  • The target of this Study is elementary schools and the exterior spaces of elementary schools are analyzed on the basis of the cases analyzed in this study even though the exterior spaces reviewed earlier have their theoretical meanings in the aspect of the urban functions. In addition, the exterior spaces of elementary schools unlike those of a city are very small in the aspect of the sizes and they are easier to be classified functionally since the behaviors and actions of active students are not various.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. 성이용 "국외 초등학교 외부 공간의 기능, 위치, 시설의 특성 분석" 예술인문사회융합 멀티미디어 논문지 Vol. 6, No. 12, 2016. Mr. Sung, Lee-yong, "An Analysis of Functions & Locations of External Spaces and Features of Facilities of Foreign Elementary Schools", Journal of Multimedia Services convergent with Art, Humanities and Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 12, 2016. 

  2. 왕정준, 성순택, 김병선, "친환경건축물 인증 초.중등학교의 생태환경에 관한 비교연구", 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집, Vol. 11, No. // Mr. Wang, Jeong-joon, Mr. Seong, Soon-taek, Mr. Kim, Byung-seon, "A Comparative Study on the Ecological Environment of Green Building Certified Schools" The International Journal of The Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, Korea, Vol.11, No. 2, 2011 

  3. http://www.kisee.re.kr, (사) 한국 교육.녹색환경연구원, 학교시설 인증심사기준 // the Korea Institute of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment, School Facilities Certification Examination Criteria 

  4. 아사하라 요시노부, 속 외부공간의 미학, 기문당, 1990. // MR. Ashihara Yoshinobu, Zoku Cityscape Mino aesthetics, Kimundang, 1990. 

  5. 안진이 역, "헤르만 헤르츠버거의 건축수업", 1판, 효형출판, 서울, 2009. // Translated by Mr. Ahn, Jin-yee, "Architectural Class by Herman Hertzberger", Edition1, Hyohyeong Publishing, Seoul, 2009 

  6. 이강주, 서충원, 지하공간 건축가이드라인 설정에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계 22권 4호, 2008. // Mr. Lee, Gang-joo & Mr. Seo, Chung-won, A Study on Setting the Construction Guidelines of Underground Spaces, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning &Design, 22 Vol., 4Issue, 2008 

  7. 이강주, 서충원, 지하공간 건축가이드라인 설정에 관한 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 계획계 22권 4호, 2008. // (Sun Yong, urban and underground, urban problem, 1985.) 

  8. http://www.archdaily.com/777850/multi-purpose-education-centre-atelier-philea 

  9. http://blog.naver.com/imbc21c/220136123598 

  10. http://www.archdaily.com/624786/rakafot-school-s-grounds-bolandscape-architects 

  11. http://www.vmdo.com/ 

  12. http://www.bnim.com/project/kiowa-county-schools 

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