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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, fabrication method of inorganic insulation were studied to reduce $CO_2$ from buildings. Main materials for inorganic insulation were used cement, blast furnace slag and aluminum powder as foaming agent. Mixing ratio of cement and slag was controlled and physical properties...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • 2. The compressive strength of the insulation material generally increased with the increase of the curing period. The compressive strength of the insulation material also slightly increased with the increase of the cement fineness.
  • 3. At the drying temperature of 60°C, the compressive strength increased after drying.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Y. S. Song, W. Y. Jeong, and T. H. Kim, "An Examination of Application Plan of Proper CDM for GHG Reduction," J. Reg. Assoc. Archit. Inst. Korea, 12 [4] 82-177 (2010). 

  2. Y. S. Jeong and H. K. Jung, "A Study on Calculation Method for the Gas Emission of Building Sector," J. Reg. Assoc. Archit. Inst. Korea, 37 [1] 499-500 (2017). 

  3. S. K. Jeong, J. S. Jeon, and J. K. Seo, "Consideration for application of Phase Change Material for Building Energy Saving," J. KIAEBS, 5 [1] 1-9 (2011). 

  4. K. H. Lee and C. W. Chae, "A Study on the Amount of the Energy Consumption and $CO_2$ Emission of Public Building using the Input-Output Analysis," Architectural Institute of Korea, 18 [5] 99-107 (2002). 

  5. J. H. Park and T. H. Hoon, "Improvements of Policies Related Building Energy Reduction in Korea," Korea Inst. Construct. Eng. Manage., 11 [4] 14-21 (2010). 

  6. J. M. Park, D. H. Kim, and D. J. Suh, "Recent Research Trends for Green Building Thermal Insulation Materials," Clean Technol., 18 [1] 14-21 (2012). 

  7. D. K. Kim and S. B. Lee, "Properties and Thermal Characteristics of Phenol Foam for Heat Insulating Materials," J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 17 [4] 357- 60 (2006). 

  8. J. S. Roh, J. Y. Yoon, K. J. Moon, Y. K. Cho, and Y. S. So, "Heating Value and Noxious Gases Generation of Sandwich Panel Core Using Artificial Lightweight Aggregate"; pp. 261-66 in Proceedings of Korea Concrete Institute, 2003. 

  9. J. S. Kim, "Efficient Application of Insulation for Green Plant," Korean J. Chem. Eng., 29 [1] 79-84 (2011). 

  10. M. S. Ahn, T. K. Park, I. S. Hwang, and B. I. Kim, "Effect of Gypsum and Cement on Hydrothermal Reaction in Fly Ash-Lime System," J. Korean Ceram. Soc., 35 [10] 1030-39 (1998). 

  11. J. K. Park and J. S. Lee, "Preparation of Porous Inorganic Materials by Foaming Slurry," J. Korean Ceram. Soc., 35 [1] 1280-85 (1998). 

  12. W. K. Jung, K. H. Kim, B. J. Jeon, and J. O. Bae, "Development of Carbon Reduction Concrete Using The Pozzolan Reaction Cement"; pp. 77-8 in Proceedings of Korea Concrete Institute, 2013. 

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