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Bremia itoana (Oomycota, Peronosporales), a Specialized Downy Mildew Pathogen on an East Asian Plant, Crepidiastrum sonchifolium (Asteraceae) 원문보기

Mycobiology, v.46 no.4, 2018년, pp.416 - 420  

Choi, Young-Joon (Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ,  Park, Ji Hoon (Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ,  Lee, Jeongran (Department of Crop Life Safety, Crop Protection Division National Institute of Agricultural Science, RDA) ,  Shin, Hyeon-Dong (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Crepidiastrum sonchifolium, a flowering plant in the daisy family (Asteraceae), is native to East Asia. In Korea, this plant is a locally cultivated vegetable, and its market size is gradually growing. Since the plants with downy mildew infection were initially found at a private farm of Chuncheon c...


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제안 방법

  • For morphological investigation, conidiophores and conidia formed from the lower surface of the infected leaves were transferred onto a drop of lactic acid on a slide glass, covered with a coverslip, and gently warmed up using an alcohol lamp. A detailed microscopic examination was performed using an Olympus BX53F microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a DigiRetina 16M digital camera (Tucsen, Fuzhou, China). The following morphological characteristics were observed at 100–200× for conidiophores and at 400× for conidia and ultimate branchlets.
  • Two different phylogenetic inference methods were performed on the concatenated alignment. Minimum Evolution (ME) was done in MEGA6.0 [17] using the Tamura-Nei substitution model, and the robustness of internal branches was evaluated by performing 10,000 bootstrap replicates. Maximum Likelihood (ML) inference was computed using RAxML 7.


  • For phylogenetic analysis, multigene sequences of Bremia species used in the previous studies [10–12] were retrieved from GenBank. Alignments for each of multigene datasets were done using the MAFFT 7 [14], by choosing the Q-INS-i algorithm [15]. After ensuring no strongly supported conflicting topologies among the trees inferred from individual loci, the alignments were concatenated using SequenceMatrix [16].
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참고문헌 (22)

  1. 1 Park MS , Chun Y-M The usage of regional folk plants in Jeollanam-do . Korean J Plant Resourc . 2015 ; 28 : 79 – 92 . 

  2. 2 Shin Y-H , Kim H-J , Jeong H-S , et al. The folk plants in southern region of Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea . Korean J Plant Resourc . 2013 ; 26 : 90 – 102 . 

  3. 3 Jeong H-R , Choi K , Park K-W The regional folk plants in southern inland area of Gyeonggi-do . Korean J Plant Resourc . 2012 ; 25 : 523 – 542 . 

  4. 4 Song M-J , Kim H , Brian H , et al. Traditional knowledge of wild edible plants on Jeju Island, Korea . Indian J Tradit Knowldege . 2013 ; 12 : 177 – 194 . 

  5. 5 Suh J , Jo Y , Kim ND , et al. Cytotoxic constituents of the leaves of Ixeris sonchifolia . Arch Pharm Res . 2002 ; 25 : 289 – 292 . 12135099 

  6. 6 Lebeda A , Pink DAC , Astley D Aspects of the interactions between wild Lactuca spp. and related genera and lettuce downy mildew ( Bremia lactucae ) In: Spencer-Phillips PTN , Gisi U , Lebeda A , editors. Advances in Downy Mildew Research . Vol. 1 Dordrecht (Boston) : Kluwer Academic ; 2002 p. 85 – 117 . 

  7. 7 Yerkes WD , Shaw CG Taxonomy of the Peronospora species on Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae . Phytopathology . 1959 ; 49 : 499 – 507 . 

  8. 8 Choi YJ , Thines M , Runge F , et al Evidence for high degrees of specialisation, evolutionary diversity, and morphological distinctiveness in the genus Bremia . Fungal Biol . 2011 ; 115 : 102 – 111 . 21315308 

  9. 9 Thines M , Runge F , Telle S , et al. Phylogenetic investigations in the downy mildew genus Bremia reveal several distinct lineages and a species with a presumably exceptional wide host range . Eur J Plant Pathol . 2010 ; 128 : 81 – 89 . 

  10. 10 Choi YJ , Thines M Host jumps and radiation, not co-divergence drives diversification of obligate pathogens. A case study in downy mildews and Asteraceae . PLoS One . 2015 ; 7 : e0133655 . 

  11. 11 Park JH , Thines M , Lee HB , et al. Bremia polycephala and Bremia sawadae spp. nov. (Peronosporaceae; Oomycota), parasitic to Northeast Asian Asteraceae . Nova Hedw . 2018 ; 106 : 303 – 314 . 

  12. 12 Choi YJ , Wong J , Runge F , et al. BrRxLR11 – a new phylogenetic marker with high resolution in the downy mildew genus Bremia and related genera . Mycol Prog . 2017 ; 16 : 185 – 190 . 

  13. 13 Voglmayr H , Riethmüller A , Göker M , et al. Phylogenetic relationships of Plasmopara , Bremia and other genera of downy mildews with pyriform haustoria based on Bayesian analysis of partial LSU rDNA sequence data . Mycol Res . 2004 ; 108 : 1011 – 1024 . 15506014 

  14. 14 Katoh K , Standley DM MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7: improvements in performance and usability . Mol Biol Evol . 2013 ; 30 : 772 – 780 . 23329690 

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  16. 16 Vaidya G , Lohman DJ , Meier R SequenceMatrix: concatenation software for the fast assembly of multi-gene datasets with character set and codon information . Cladistics . 2011 ; 27 : 171 – 180 . 

  17. 17 Tamura K , Stecher G , Peterson D , et al. MEGA6: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0 . Mol Biol Evol . 2013 ; 30 : 2725 – 2729 . 24132122 

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  19. 19 Stamatakis A , Hoover P , Rougemont J A rapid bootstrap algorithm for the RAxML web servers . Syst Biol . 2008 ; 57 : 758 – 771 . 18853362 

  20. 20 Skidmore DI , Ingram DS Conidial morphology and the specialization of Bremia lactucae Regel (Peronosporaceae) on hosts in the family Compositae . Botanical J Linnean Soc (Lond) . 1985 ; 91 : 503 – 522 . 

  21. 21 Ling L , Tai MC On the specialization of Bremia lactucae on compositae . Trans Brit Mycol Soc . 1945 ; 28 : 16 – 25 . 

  22. 22 Peng Y-l , Zhang Y , Gao X-f , et al. A phylogenetic analysis and new delimitation of Crepidiastrum (Asteraceae, tribe Cichorieae) . Phytotaxa . 2014 ; 159 : 241 – 255 . 

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