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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Chemical Laboratory Workers 원문보기

Safety and health at work : SH@W, v.9 no.4, 2018년, pp.473 - 478  

Perez-Crespo, Juan (Health & Safety Office, Miguel Hernandez University) ,  Lobato-Canon, Rafael (Department of Pathology and Surgery, Miguel Hernandez University) ,  Solanes-Puchol, Angel (Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernandez University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an acquired disease which etiology remains unknown. It is characterized by the development of sensitivity to certain chemical products. Most of the hypotheses formulated to explain the syndrome associate it to a previous exposition to some kind of v...


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문제 정의

  • The main hypothesis relates the prevalence of MCS with the exposition to multiple chemical agents at a low or very low concentration (limit of standardized detection systems) in air and always below the threshold limit values. The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis: the relationship between the long-term exposition to chemical agents and the increase in the prevalence of the MCS in the university researchers in chemical laboratories.
  • The members of the control group were chosen among the personnel who work in the same universities, but who only carry out administrative tasks, and, therefore, are not exposed to chemical products from the laboratories but have the same exposition to the rest of the environmental polluting agents from the area and from the buildings of the university. Therefore, the goal of this work is to detect differences in the prevalence of the syndrome between groups exposed to chemical agents during work in the laboratories and those who are not.
  • This article tries to increase the knowledge on this syndrome, studying its prevalence in a very specific group of workers. The group selected comprises university researchers in chemical laboratories.
  • After this process, the affected people will become sensitive to very low concentrations of several chemical products, whereas the rest of the people would tolerate them without trouble. This study assumes the hypothesis that people suffer a mechanism of sensitizing after being exposed intermittently to very low concentration of certain volatile chemicals during long periods of time (years of exposition).

가설 설정

  • 1. The prevalence of MCS among the university researchers of the chemical or biological laboratories in our sample is not related to exposition by inhalation of multiple chemical agents at a low or very low concentration (limit of detection systems) and always below the threshold limit values. Prolonged expositions by inhalation of several polluting chemicals coming from university research laboratories, in concentrations well below the limits to be considered safe to avoid their well-known nonstochastic effects, are not correlated with the prevalence of the MCS.
  • The QEESI has five scales: symptom severity, chemical intolerance, other intolerance, life impact, and masking index. According to the score in the first three scales of the questionnaire, the sensitive individuals to MCS will be differentiated from the nonsensitive ones. The other two scales would help to identify the severity of the affectation (life impact) and the exposition to agents that mask the symptoms of MCS (masking index).
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참고문헌 (17)

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