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Gender Dfferences in Ground Reaction Force Components 원문보기

한국운동역학회지 = Korean journal of sport biomechanics, v.28 no.2, 2018년, pp.101 - 108  

Park, Sang-Kyoon (Department of Physical Education, Korea National Sport University) ,  Koo, Seungbum (Biomechanics Lab, Chung-ang University) ,  Yoon, Suk-Hoon (Department of Community Sport, Korea National Sport University) ,  Park, Sangheon (Institute of Sport Science, Korea National Sport University) ,  Kim, Yongcheol (Biomechanics Lab, Chung-ang University) ,  Ryu, Ji-Seon (Department of Health and Exercise Science, Korea National Sport University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in ground reaction force (GRF) components among different speeds of running. Method: Twenty men ($age=22.4{\pm}1.6years$, $mass=73.4{\pm}8.4kg$, $height=176.2{\pm}5.6cm$) and twenty women ($a...


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문제 정의

  • This study was aimed at characterizing the gender differences in the components of the GRF at increasing running speeds. The aims of this study were to 1) analyze the impact force, impact loading rate, and impulse in the vertical GRF during the stance phase of running and 2) evaluate the breaking force, propulsive force, and impulse in the anteroposterior GRF.
  • This study was aimed at characterizing the gender differences in the vertical and anteroposterior components of the GRF that occur as the running speed is increased. Considering that the impact loading rate was greater among female athletes than among male athletes, it appears that women are more exposed to the risk of potential running injuries related to the bone and ligament.
  • This study was conducted to characterize the gender differences in GRF components, which are important determinants of running, that occur as the running speed is increased.

가설 설정

  • Atwater (1990) claimed that female adults have lower height, mass, and body fat percentage compared with men and differences exist in dynamic factors between men and women during running. They hypothesized that the differences in the dynamic factors may be what gives rise to the injury characteristics observed in women and, therefore, assessed the gender difference in the body structure as a cause of running injuries.
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참고문헌 (36)

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