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Relationship between Early Menopause and Periodontal Disease in Korean Postmenopausal Women 원문보기

치위생과학회지 = Journal of dental hygiene science, v.18 no.5, 2018년, pp.312 - 318  

Lee, Yun-Hee (Department of Dental Hygiene, Kyungbok University) ,  Kim, Sun-Mi (Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University) ,  Ahn, Eunsuk (Department of Dental Hygiene, Kyungbok University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between early menopause and periodontal disease in postmenopausal women using data from the 6th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013~2015). A study was conducted with 2,048 postmenopausal women aged 45 to 74 years. P...


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제안 방법

  • A chi-square test was also conducted to verify participants’ menopause and periodontal statuses according to their sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and oral health management status.
  • However, no studies to date have analyzed the association between early menopause and periodontal disease using representative data. Hence, this study aimed to verify the relationship between early menopause and the risk of periodontal disease among Korean women in menopause, and provide base data for establishing policies that can prevent periodontal disease and improve oral health for women in early menopause.
  • The layer variable was the dispersed estimation layer, the cluster variable was survey district, the weighted values were the sample extraction framework, household at the point of the current survey, including error according to differences in population, and non-response error according to lack of participation in the survey. In order to adjust these factors, weighted values from a correlation analysis were used to calculate new weighted values. When cases are deleted, since complex sample information included in the deleted materials can be omitted and cause a standard deviation bias in the estimated values, the groups of interested and other groups were generated before the analysis.
  • In this study, the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN), which ranges between 0 and 4, was re-categorized into three levels, namely healthy periodontal tissue (0), gingivitis (1∼2), and periodontitis (3∼4), and was used as the dependent variable.
  • Moreover, this study also included participants’ general characteristics, such as age group (45∼54/55∼64/65∼74 years), education level (elementary school or lower/middle school/high school/college degree or higher), household income (lower/lower-middle/upper-middle/upper), body mass index (BMI) (underweight/normal/obese), lifestyle habits such as alcohol drinking (nondrinker/drinker in the past/current drinker) and smoking (non-smoker/smoker), and oral health management such visiting the dentist in the last year (yes/no), using oral management products (yes/no), and daily frequency of teeth brushing (less than 3 times a day/3 times a day or more).
  • Rather than using clinical data, this study conducted an analysis based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is reliable and representative on a national, city, and province level. However, no link was found between early menopause and periodontal diseases in this cross-sectional analysis.
  • This study used data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in order to verify the effect of early and normal onset of menopause on periodontal diseases among pots-menopausal women. Here, periodontal disease was divided into gingivitis and periodontitis, based on previous studies reporting differences in bone density and attachment loss according to changes in hormones related to menopause7,16,17), and we aimed to establish basic data that will be necessary for setting up policies for the prevention of periodontal disease and improvement of oral health for women in menopause.

대상 데이터

  • Out of 4,503 women in menopause who participated in the 6th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013∼2015), after excluding those who experienced artificial menopause due to a hysterectomy, those with a doctor's diagnosis of diabetes with a strong relation to periodontal disease, and those with at least one response missing in the survey, a total of 2,048 participants were selected for analysis.


  • A chi-square test was also conducted to verify participants’ menopause and periodontal statuses according to their sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and oral health management status. Further, to assess the relationship between menopause status and periodontal disease, a multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to obtain the adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). The statistical significance level was set to p<0.
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참고문헌 (22)

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