벼키다리병은 Fusarium fujikuroi의 감염에 의해 발생하는 대표적인 종자전염성 병이다. 이 병의 방제는 화학약제를 이용한 종자소독이 가장 효율적이지만 최근 약제에 저항성을 갖는 균주의 출현이 증가하고 있다. 미산성 차아염소산수는 환경이나 사람의 건강에는 유해성이 낮지만 바이러스, 박테리아, 곰팡이에 강력하고 광범위한 항균활성을 갖는 살균소독제로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 화학 약제 저항성 또는 민감성 균주를 포함하는 16개의 F. fujikuroi 균주를 대상으로 미산성 차아염소산수의 항균활성을 조사하고, 이를 이용한 친환경적 병 방제 기술 개발을 목적으로 하였다. 미산성 차아염소산수는 화학약제 저항성 균주를 포함한 조사한 F. fujikuroi 균주 모두에 대해 유리염소 5±2.5 ppm 농도에서 비특이적이고 강한 항균 활성을 나타냈고, 처리 후 5분 이내에 F. fujikuroi 세포의 치명적 손상과 함께 완전한 살균 효과를 나타났다. F. fujikuroi 균주로 감염된 벼 종자를 20±10 ppm의 유리염소를 포함하는 미산성 차아염소산수로 12시간 침지 소독하였을 경우, 종자 소독 효과와 병 방제율은 각각 95~98%와 90.1~92.6%였다.
벼키다리병은 Fusarium fujikuroi의 감염에 의해 발생하는 대표적인 종자전염성 병이다. 이 병의 방제는 화학약제를 이용한 종자소독이 가장 효율적이지만 최근 약제에 저항성을 갖는 균주의 출현이 증가하고 있다. 미산성 차아염소산수는 환경이나 사람의 건강에는 유해성이 낮지만 바이러스, 박테리아, 곰팡이에 강력하고 광범위한 항균활성을 갖는 살균소독제로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 화학 약제 저항성 또는 민감성 균주를 포함하는 16개의 F. fujikuroi 균주를 대상으로 미산성 차아염소산수의 항균활성을 조사하고, 이를 이용한 친환경적 병 방제 기술 개발을 목적으로 하였다. 미산성 차아염소산수는 화학약제 저항성 균주를 포함한 조사한 F. fujikuroi 균주 모두에 대해 유리염소 5±2.5 ppm 농도에서 비특이적이고 강한 항균 활성을 나타냈고, 처리 후 5분 이내에 F. fujikuroi 세포의 치명적 손상과 함께 완전한 살균 효과를 나타났다. F. fujikuroi 균주로 감염된 벼 종자를 20±10 ppm의 유리염소를 포함하는 미산성 차아염소산수로 12시간 침지 소독하였을 경우, 종자 소독 효과와 병 방제율은 각각 95~98%와 90.1~92.6%였다.
Rice bakanae is a typical seed-borne and seed-transmitted disease caused by infection by Fusarium fujikuroi. Seed disinfection using chemical fungicides (such as benomyl and prochloraz) is most effective in controlling the disease, but the emergence of fungicide-resistant strains has recently been i...
Rice bakanae is a typical seed-borne and seed-transmitted disease caused by infection by Fusarium fujikuroi. Seed disinfection using chemical fungicides (such as benomyl and prochloraz) is most effective in controlling the disease, but the emergence of fungicide-resistant strains has recently been increasing. Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water (SAHW) is a safe and environmentally friendly disinfectant that has a potent and broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of SAHW against F. fujikuroi strains, including chemical fungicide-resistant strains, as an alternative to conventional chemical fungicides in the management of bakanae disease. SAHW showed strong but similar levels of antifungal activity among the F. fujikuroi strains with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC90) of 5±2.5 ppm of free available chlorine (FAC). In addition, F. fujikuroi cells lost viability completely within 5 min of SAHW treatment due to the lethal damage to cell integrity. When the rice seeds infected by F. fujikuroi were treated with SAHW containing 20±10 ppm of FAC for 12 hr, the efficiencies of seed disinfection and disease control were 95-98% and 90.1-92.6%, respectively. Altogether, our data suggest that SAHW is an effective compound for controlling rice bakanae disease.
Rice bakanae is a typical seed-borne and seed-transmitted disease caused by infection by Fusarium fujikuroi. Seed disinfection using chemical fungicides (such as benomyl and prochloraz) is most effective in controlling the disease, but the emergence of fungicide-resistant strains has recently been increasing. Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid water (SAHW) is a safe and environmentally friendly disinfectant that has a potent and broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of SAHW against F. fujikuroi strains, including chemical fungicide-resistant strains, as an alternative to conventional chemical fungicides in the management of bakanae disease. SAHW showed strong but similar levels of antifungal activity among the F. fujikuroi strains with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC90) of 5±2.5 ppm of free available chlorine (FAC). In addition, F. fujikuroi cells lost viability completely within 5 min of SAHW treatment due to the lethal damage to cell integrity. When the rice seeds infected by F. fujikuroi were treated with SAHW containing 20±10 ppm of FAC for 12 hr, the efficiencies of seed disinfection and disease control were 95-98% and 90.1-92.6%, respectively. Altogether, our data suggest that SAHW is an effective compound for controlling rice bakanae disease.
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문제 정의
However, they were somewhat ineffective on severely infected rice seeds or strains resistant to chemical fungicides[5, 14, 18]. In this study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of SAHW as a potential alternative to fungicide in the control of rice bakanae diseases.
제안 방법
, Korea). After 10 days and 20 days of incubation in a growth chamber at 30℃, seed disinfection and disease incidence were evaluated, respectively.
PCR was performed in a total volume of 20 μl containing 50 ng of DNA and 10 ng of an F. fujikuroi-specific primer set [4], BFspF (5'-TGAGA CTTGTGTCTGAGAGCT-3') and BFspR (5'-GATAACATC ATAACTCCTGCG-3').
The PCR was performed with following program: denaturation at 94℃ for 3 minutes and 30 cycles of 94℃ for 30 seconds, 55°℃ for 30 seconds and 72℃ for 1 min.
To identify whether the microorganism contaminated on rice seeds and seedlings was F. fujikuroi, PCR analysis was carried out using the species-specific primer. Contaminated seed or seedling tissue (5×5 mm) was incubated in 100 ml PDB medium for 2 days at 27℃.
To investigate the effect of seed disinfection and biocontrol activity of SAHW, the rice seeds (Oryza sativa L. cv.Joonam) were artificially inoculated with spores of F. fujikuroi strains (KACC44004 and KACC44018). Briefly, dry seeds were surface sterilized by dipping in 70% ethanol for 1 minute followed by thoroughly rinsing in sterile water.
To investigate the effect of the chemical durability on seed disinfection, the inoculated seeds were treated with SAHW containing 20±10 ppm FAC for 12 hr in three different ways: I, single treatment for 12 hr; II, a treatment for 3 hr, drain and re-treatment with a fresh solution for 6 hr (two times); III, treatments with a fresh solution every 3 hr (four times).
대상 데이터
Sixteen F. fujikuroi strains composed of sensitive and resistant strains to chemical fungicides, prochloraz and benomyl, were obtained from the Korean Agricultural Culture Collection (KACC, Jeonju, Korea) and incubated at 27℃ on potato dextrose agar (PDA). A fungal spore of each F.
fujikuroi causing bakanae disease of rice. Sixteen strains of F. fujikuroi were obtained from KACC (Table 1). Some of them were resistant strains to chemical fungicides used in seed disinfection, such as prochloraz and benomyl.
CFU was determined after 2-3 days of incubation at 27℃. Three replicates were used for each treatment. SEM analysis was carried out as standard protocol.
05. Analysis of variance(ANOVA) was carried out by OriginPro software (OriginLab Co., USA).
The values between experiments were analyzed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test at p<0.05.
The MIC50 values of FAC in SAHW for all examined strains ranged from 2.22±1.11 to 2.62±1.31 ppm, and MIC90 values were 5±2.5 ppm without a significant difference among the strains (n=3; p>0.05).
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