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글루타르알데히드 가교 조건에 따른 콜라겐 섬유의 방사성 및 역학적 특성 분석
Crosslinking Effects and Mechanical Properties of Glutaraldehyde Crosslinked Wet-Spun Collagen Fibers 원문보기

한국섬유공학회지 = Textile science and engineering, v.57 no.6, 2020년, pp.361 - 367  

안현철 (한국생산기술연구원 섬유융합연구부문) ,  공다정 (한국생산기술연구원 섬유융합연구부문) ,  이현호 (파이버엔텍) ,  서주연 (파이버엔텍) ,  김태겸 (파이버엔텍) ,  이소희 (경상대학교 의류학과) ,  여상영 (한국생산기술연구원 섬유융합연구부문)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Collagen is a natural protein with excellent biocompatibility. Purified collagen is used in various medical and cosmetic products. Fibers made from collagen are particularly used for medical purposes, but their mechanical properties are not good; therefore, manufacturing processes such as crosslinki...


참고문헌 (18)

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  17. M. T. Arafat, G. Tronci, J. Yin, D. J. Wood, and S. J. Russell, "Biomimetic Wet-stable Fibres via Wet Spinning and Diacid-based Crosslinking of Collagen Triple Helices", Polymer, 2015, 77, 102-112. 

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