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A new distribution record of Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim. (Saxifragaceae) in Korea: Evidence from morphological and molecular data 원문보기

Journal of species research, v.9 no.1, 2020년, pp.46 - 55  

Choi, Ji-Eun (National Institute of Biological Resources) ,  In, Kyung-Ho (Yeonggwang County office) ,  Kim, Bong Seok (The Society for Korean Peninsula Plants) ,  Kim, Kyeonghee (National Institute of Biological Resources) ,  Kim, Jin-Seok (National Institute of Biological Resources) ,  Kim, Yong-In (Multidisciplinary Genome Institute, Hallym University) ,  Lee, Byoung Yoon (National Institute of Biological Resources) ,  Lim, Chae Eun (National Institute of Biological Resources)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Chrysosplenium grayanum Maxim. (Series Nepalensia), which had been known to be restricted to Japan, was newly discovered from Mt. Cheongtae in Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do, located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Species identification was confirmed using morphological characteristics ...


표/그림 (7)

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제안 방법

  • grayanum of Japan and Korea were also consistent with the morphology. Therefore, we confirm the distribution of C. grayanum in Korea based on the evidence from morphological and molecular data, and constructed revised key to identify Korean Chrysosplenium species based on specimens collected from the survey.
  • 01). Thus, to avoid combining different phylogenetic information, nrITS, rbcL, matK, and a combined cpDNA dataset were analyzed, respectively. The statistics of data and phylogenetic analyses for the MP tree and NJ tree are provided in Table 2.

대상 데이터

  • For molecular identification of the new materials, we obtained nrITS, cp rbcL and matK sequence data for total 30 individuals representing 10 species of Chrysosplenium from Korea and Japan (nine in Korea and two in Japan). Among them, two outgroup taxa [C.
  • This paper was carried out with the support of the National Institute of Biological Resources(NIBR201729101, NIBA201910101), and authors thank to Dr. Koh Nakamura, Hokkaido University and parataxonomists of The Society for Korean Peninsula Plants (SKPP) who helped collecting samples from Japan and Korea, respectively. We also thank to a NIBR researcher Kim Jung-Hyun, Ryu Se-A, and Lee Wunggi for supporting studies on Chrysosplenium, and Kim Yu-ri, who took photographs of SEM.


  • html). Phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods. The MP and NJ analysis were implemented in PAUP* 4.
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참고문헌 (30)

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