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Associations Between Grit, Sustainable Behavior, and Emotional Well-Being 원문보기

Asian journal for public opinion research : AJPOR, v.8 no.2, 2020년, pp.144 - 159  

Choi, Jihye (University of Eulji)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper investigated the impact of grit on sustainable behavior and emotional well-being. A questionnaire about grit, sustainable behavior, and emotional well-being was administered to 273 undergraduate students in South Korea. To examine the association between the variables, this study used two...


표/그림 (8)

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문제 정의

  • This research aims to examine the relationship among grit, sustainable behavior, and emotional well-being in undergraduate students. I reviewed previous studies and decided to employ two spell-out (SEM) models.
  • The total number of items was 12. This scale measures the attitudes and behaviors towards a sustainable future. Items include: I save water, I take care of children, All humans have value.
  • We have learned about the positive function of grit and sustainable behavior, which can be used as a basis for developing programs to promote emotional well-being. This study could contribute to efforts to create a sustainable future.

가설 설정

  • Correlation coefficients are presented in Table 2. These three variables showed a positive linear relationship. The correlation coefficients of variables showed they were statistically significant.
  • In Model 2, grit and emotional well-being are partially mediated by sustainable behavior. Also, this study tried to determine whether differences exist in the constructs by gender.
  • Some of the findings of this study are as follows: (1) Grit was directly associated with sustainable behavior; (2) Sustainable behavior was directly associated with emotional well-being; (3) Grit was directly associated with emotional well-being; and (4) The association between grit and emotional well-being was mediated by sustainable behavior. The results support the hypothesis of this study that there is a positive relationship between grit, sustainable behavior, and emotional well-being.
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참고문헌 (39)

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