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Hyaluronidase: An overview of its properties, applications, and side effects 원문보기

Archives of plastic surgery : APS, v.47 no.4, 2020년, pp.297 - 300  

Jung, Hyunwook (Gangnam L Plastic Surgery Center)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid, has long been used to increase the absorption of drugs into tissue and to reduce tissue damage in cases of extravasation of a drug. With the increasing popularity of hyaluronic acid filler, hyaluronidase has become an essential drug for the ...


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제안 방법

  • Although the use of hyaluronidase for these off-label indications has increased significantly, medical practitioners have few opportunities to study hyaluronidase. This article presents the types and characteristics of hyaluronidase, and also introduces research results that will be helpful for using hyaluronidase.
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참고문헌 (18)

  1. 1 Bailey SH Fagien S Rohrich RJ Changing role of hyaluronidase in plastic surgery Plast Reconstr Surg 2014 133 127e132e 

  2. 2 Cavallini M Gazzola R Metalla M The role of hyaluronidase in the treatment of complications from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers Aesthet Surg J 2013 33 1167 74 24197934 

  3. 3 DeLorenzi C Transarterial degradation of hyaluronic acid filler by hyaluronidase Dermatol Surg 2014 40 832 41 25022707 

  4. 4 Rzany B Becker-Wegerich P Bachmann F Hyaluronidase in the correction of hyaluronic acid-based fillers: a review and a recommendation for use J Cosmet Dermatol 2009 8 317 23 19958438 

  5. 5 Menzel EJ Farr C Hyaluronidase and its substrate hyaluronan: biochemistry, biological activities and therapeutic uses Cancer Lett 1998 131 3 11 9839614 

  6. 6 Jiang D Liang J Noble PW Hyaluronan in tissue injury and repair Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2007 23 435 61 17506690 

  7. 7 DeLorenzi C New high dose pulsed hyaluronidase protocol for hyaluronic acid filler vascular adverse events Aesthet Surg J 2017 37 814 25 28333326 

  8. 8 Zhu GZ Sun ZS Liao WX Efficacy of retrobulbar hyaluronidase injection for vision loss resulting from hyaluronic acid filler embolization Aesthet Surg J 2017 38 12 22 28333176 

  9. 9 Wasserman RL Overview of recombinant human hyaluronidase-facilitated subcutaneous infusion of IgG in primary immunodeficiencies Immunotherapy 2014 6 553 67 24896624 

  10. 10 Kim HJ Kwon SB Whang KU The duration of hyaluronidase and optimal timing of hyaluronic acid (HA) filler reinjection after hyaluronidase injection J Cosmet Laser Ther 2018 20 52 7 29199877 

  11. 11 Mio K Carrette O Maibach HI Evidence that the serum inhibitor of hyaluronidase may be a member of the inter-alpha-inhibitor family J Biol Chem 2000 275 32413 21 10908571 

  12. 12 Rao V Chi S Woodward J Reversing facial fillers: interactions between hyaluronidase and commercially available hyaluronic-acid based fillers J Drugs Dermatol 2014 13 1053 6 25226005 

  13. 13 Jones D Tezel A Borrell M In vitro resistance to degradation of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers by ovine testicular hyaluronidase Dermatol Surg 2010 36 804 9 

  14. 14 Wang M Li W Zhang Y Comparison of intra-arterial and subcutaneous testicular hyaluronidase injection treatments and the vascular complications of hyaluronic acid filler Dermatol Surg 2017 43 246 54 27930375 

  15. 15 Lee W Oh W Oh SM Comparative effectiveness of different interventions of perivascular hyaluronidase Plast Reconstr Surg 2020 145 957 64 32221213 

  16. 16 Dunn AL Heavner JE Racz G Hyaluronidase: a review of approved formulations, indications and off-label use in chronic pain management Expert Opin Biol Ther 2010 10 127 31 20420518 

  17. 17 Kim MS Youn S Na CH Allergic reaction to hyaluronidase use after hyaluronic acid filler injection J Cosmet Laser Ther 2015 17 283 5 25588036 

  18. 18 Feighery C McCoy EP Johnston PB Delayed hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase (Hyalase) used during cataract surgery Contact Dermatitis 2007 57 343 

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