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젠트리피케이션의 지역적 특성과 경제적 영향의 상관관계에 대한 연구 - 서울특별시 중심으로 -
A Study on the Correlation between Regional Characteristics and Economic Impact of Gentrification - Focused on Seoul -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.36 no.8, 2020년, pp.73 - 80  

김창호 (우미건설) ,  김환용 (인천대학교 도시건축학부) ,  서동연 (인천대학교 도시건축학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This research seeks to understand the cause of the Gentrification and to analyze the effect which the Gentrification causes to the region. Through the analysis, the research aims to identify the regional and environmental characteristics that can be found commonly in places where Gentrification occu...


참고문헌 (6)

  1. Lee, I., & Bae, J. (2013). Transition of Building Uses in the Culture-based Vitalization of Commercial Streets - A Case Study of Garosu-gil, Seoul, Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea Urban Design, 14(5), 127-140. 

  2. Yu, A. (2015). Commercialization of Original Downtown in Gunsan through Urban Regeneration Project : focused on the main streets of Modern History-Culture Belt Project, Proceeding of Spring Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 35(1), 209-210. 

  3. Heo, J., Jeong, Y., & Jung, C. (2015). Gentrification Process and Changing Shop Owners in Commercial Area on Gyeongridan Street, 16(2), 19-33. 

  4. Kim, S., & Lee, H. (2016). A case study on the gentrification process and characteristics of seongsu-dong, The Research Institute for Global Management of Technology for Catching Up, (7), 81-105. 

  5. Yoon, Y., & Park, J. (2016). The Rate of Commercial Gentrification in Seoul focusing on Changing Type of Business, The Seoul Institute, 17(4), 17-32. 

  6. Kim, D., Kim, K., & Kim, K. (2017). The Impact of Commercialization-induced Gentrification on Poor Urban Neighborhoods - A Case Study of Dongja-dong Jjokbang district, Seoul Studies, 18(2), 159-175. 

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