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Chemical Exposure, Risk of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and Occupational Safety 원문보기

Safety and health at work : SH@W, v.11 no.3, 2020년, pp.383 - 384  

Pigatto, Paolo D. (Clinical Dermatology, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan) ,  Ronchi, Anna (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS, Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology, Toxicology Unit, Pavia Poison Control Center and National Toxicology Information Center) ,  Guzzi, Gianpaolo (Italian Association for Metals and Biocompatibility Research - A.I.R.M.E.B.)

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  • Second, the first sentence of the Background section of the abstract states “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an acquired disease which etiology remains unknown.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. 1 Perez-Crespo J. Lobato-Canon R. Solanes-Puchol A. Multiple chemical sensitivity in chemical laboratory workers Saf Health Work 9 2018 473 478 30559998 

  2. 2 Morrow L.A. Ryan C.M. Hodgson M.J. Robin N. Alterations in cognitive and psychological functioning after organic solvent exposure J Occup Med 32 1990 444 450 2348261 

  3. 3 Bell I.R. Schwartz G.E. Peterson J.M. Amend D. Self-reported illness from chemical odors in young adults without clinical syndromes or occupational exposures Arch Environ Health 48 1993 6 13 7680851 

  4. 4 Brown A.E. Developing a pesticide policy for individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity: considerations for institutions Toxicol Ind Health 15 1999 432 437 10416297 

  5. 5 Lee H.S. Hong S.Y. Hong Z.R. Gil H.O. Yang J.O. Lee E.Y. Pesticide-initiated idiopathic environmental intolerance in South Korean farmers Inhal Toxicol 19 2007 577 585 17497536 

  6. 6 Pall M.L. NMDA sensitization and stimulation by peroxynitrite, nitric oxide, and organic solvents as the mechanism of chemical sensitivity in multiple chemical sensitivity FASEB J 16 2002 1407 1417 12205032 

  7. 7 Reid S. Hotopf M. Hull L. Ismail K. Unwin C. Wessely S. Multiple chemical sensitivity and chronic fatigue syndrome in British Gulf War veterans Am J Epidemiol 153 2001 604 609 11257069 

  8. 8 Caress S.M. Steinemann A.C. A review of a two-phase population study of multiple chemical sensitivities Environ Health Perspect 111 2003 1490 1497 12948889 

  9. 9 Miller C.S. Mitzel H.C. Chemical sensitivity attributed to pesticide exposure versus remodeling Arch Environ Health 50 1995 119 129 7786048 

  10. 10 Pigatto P.D. Minoia C. Ronchi A. Brambilla L. Ferrucci S.M. Spadari F. Allergological and toxicological aspects in a multiple chemical sensitivity cohort Oxid Med Cell Longev 2013 2013 356235 24367721 

  11. 11 Pigatto P.D. Ronchi A. Dolcetta D. Brambilla L. Ferrucci S. Passoni M. Exposure to metals, multiple chemical sensitivity and neurogenic inflammation J Clin Toxicol 8 2018 1 

  12. 12 Guzzi G. Ronchi A. Barbaro M. Spadari F. Bombeccari G. Brambilla L. Multiple chemical sensitivity and toxic metals Toxicol Lett 258 Suppl. l 2016 s113 

  13. 13 Pigatto P.D. Guzzi G. Prevalence and risk factors for multiple chemical sensitivity in Australia Prev Med Rep 14 2019 100856 31193443 

  14. 14 Baines C.J. McKeown-Eyssen G.E. Riley N. Cole D.E. Marshall L. Loescher B. Case-control study of multiple chemical sensitivity, comparing haematology, biochemistry, vitamins and serum volatile organic compound measures Occup Med (Lond) 54 2004 408 418 15347780 

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