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초등돌봄교실 공간구성특징에 관한 분석연구 - 초등 돌봄교실 길라잡이를 중심으로 -
An Analytical Study on Space Configuration in After-School Care Class for Elementary School - Focused on Guidelines of Emementary School Care Classes - 원문보기

커뮤니티교육시설 : 한국교육시설학회논문집 = Community Education Facilities, v.28 no.6, 2021년, pp.3 - 13  

김소라 (Dept. of Architecture, University of Seoul)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Introduced in 2004 as an 'After-School Academy' policy, the 'After-School Care Class' has become a universal program for elementary schools over time. While the concept of public education service has expanded and changed in various ways including educational welfare, the physical environment of the...


표/그림 (15)

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Minisrty of Education, Korean Educational Development Institute, Operation Guide to Elementary School Care Classes, 2014, 2015, 2016 

  2. Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, et al., Operation Guide to Elementary School Care Classes, 2017, 2019, 2020 

  3. Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Operation Guide to Seoul Elementary School Care Classes, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 

  4. Oujae, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Guide to Space Configuration for KkumDam Care Classes, 2018 

  5. Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, et al., Operation Guide to After-School Programs, 2011 

  6. Kim, Hongwon, 2006 Analytical Study of After-school Program Achievements, Korean Educational Development Institute, 2006 

  7. Korean Educational Development Institute, Exploration for Operational methods of 'After-School Classes' of Elementary School Lower Grades, 2003 

  8. Korean Educational Development Institute, Domestic Seminar to Explore Ways to Promote After-School Childcare Programs in Elementary School, 2007 

  9. Cho, Jinil, et al., A Study on the Environmental Conditions and Improvement Measures of Elementary School Care Classes, Korean Educational Development Institute, Domestic Seminar to Explore Ways to Promote After-School Childcare Programs in Elementary School, 2015 

  10. Minisrty of Education, Korean Educational Development Institute, Safety Management Guide for Elementary School Classrooms, 2012 

  11. Jang, Myungrim, A Study on School-Oriented Implementation Plan for Stable Operation of Elementary School Care Classes, Korean Educational Development Institute, 2015 

  12. Park, Soyoung, Policy Evaluation on Private Tutoring Countermeasures : After-school Program and EBS KSAT Teaching, The Journal of Educational Administration, 26(1), pp. 391~411, 2008 

  13. Lee, Kyungho, The Review on Banggahuhakgyo (After-School Program) in Korea -Based on Cooper's Four Dimension of Educational Policy Theory, The Journal of Yeolin Education, 18(2), pp 173~195, 2010 

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